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Една статия в мрежата...
« -: Май 23, 2007, 07:26:40 pm »

Fuel Cells: This method uses oxygen from the atmosphere to complete the burning of the hydrogen in the fuel cell. What comes out of the tail pipe is oxygen and water vapor, but the oxygen originally came from the atmosphere, not from the fuel. And so the use of fuel cells neither takes away nor contributes to the oxygen content of the air.

Hydrogen: This fuel is complete in itself. It does not need oxygen from the atmosphere to burn, which is an improvement over fossil fuels in saving the oxygen in our air supply. In fact, when hydrogen burns perfectly, nothing at all comes out of the tail pipe. If salt and metal alloy are used to create hydrogen, then there will be residues of that in the exhaust, but hydrogen fuel does not contribute oxygen to the atmosphere.

Brown's gas: This is the most perfect fuel of all for running our vehicles. Like pure hydrogen, it is made from water, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen, but it burns in the combustion engine so that, depending on the setup, it may actually release oxygen into the atmosphere. In that case, what comes out of the tail pipe is oxygen and water vapor, just as with fuel cells; but the oxygen comes from the water that's being used to create the Brown's gas fuel. So burning Brown's gas as fuel can add oxygen to the air and thus increase the oxygen content of our atmosphere.

Whenever we are burning Brown's gas in our vehicles, we can be at the same time contributing to the solution of a very dangerous environmental problem.

From this point of view, Brown's gas would be the ideal automotive fuel of the future.

A New Brown's Gas Technology

The main problem with most of the Brown's gas systems we have seen so far is that, although they work, they do not seem to generate enough hydrogen to supply a piston engine under normal road conditions. Rothman's exceptional change has to do with the use of a special electrolysis technology.

In normal electrolytic processes, the electrolysis unit is just sitting in water, and it produces a specific amount of Brown's gas.

But the Rothman Technologies invention involves an electrolysis unit that increases the Brown's gas production by an order of magnitude. (For the scientists among our audience, you read that correctly: The Rothman Technologies system literally creates ten times more Brown's gas than normal electrolysis systems do.)

Rothman electrolysis unitThe company found that in the type of specialized electrolysis they have invented, the Brown's gas and the water are mixed together. A milky-white substances comes out the end of the Rothman electrolysis device and goes from there into a unit that separates the Brown's gas from the water. The Brown's gas travels to the motor to run the engine, and the water is then recycled back to the electrolysis device to be re-used.

This invention, on which Rothman Technologies, Inc., has a Patent Pending, is possibly the most important discovery that's ever been made in electrolysis technology. Increasing the output of electrolysis by ten times finally gives sufficient breakdown of the water to Brown's gas to actually run a normal car engine, and would seem to make electrolysis systems the method of choice for the future.


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