Автор Тема: Контролер за оловни акумулатори, увеличаващ капацитета им  (Прочетена 90884 пъти)

Неактивен mzk

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    • analogov.com
AlaskaStar отново ни изненадва с неговия контролер за акумулатори. Не е генератор, не е зарядно. Контролер.
Не увеличава напрежението. Не увеличава ампеража. Увеличава единствено времето на използване на акумулатора до 10 пъти (1000%). Тоест е вид система за рециклиране (явно и десулфатизиране) на акумулатора. Не работи с Lithium Ion, NiMH, NiCAD, Alkaline акумулатори или други сухи видове, работи само с оловни акумулатори.

Представлява система за превключване на 8 акумулатора в паралелен режим, като един от тях е постоянно в режим разряд, а другите - в режим заряд.
Time, Action:
0:00  Battery 1 connects to load, disconnects from pack
0:01  Battery 2 connects to load, disconnects from pack
0:02  Battery 3 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 1 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:03  Battery 4 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 2 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:04  Battery 5 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 3 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:05  Battery 6 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 4 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:06  Battery 7 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 5 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:07  Battery 8 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 6 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:08  Battery 1 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 7 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:09  Battery 2 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 8 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:10  Battery 3 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 1 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:11  Battery 4 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 2 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:12  Battery 5 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 3 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:13  Battery 6 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 4 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:14  Battery 7 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 5 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
and the process repeats endlessly.
Доколкото разбрах, отношение има формата на ел. магн. вълна. Търсих снимки, но не съм намерил за сега. Следните линкове може да е от полза:

На страница в тази тема 2 се включва и самият Alaska Star.
« Последна редакция: Юни 27, 2010, 01:57:52 pm от altium »

Неактивен teofilius

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    • Teosfera - free energy - antigravity
това устройство е елементарно. Импулсите са правоъгълни и се формират от интегралката която управлява щракането на релетата. Могат да се зареждат до 8 акумулатора едновременно. Горе в дясно на входа има стабилизатор за напрежението. Единственото неизвестно е честотата но едва ли е над 1000 херца. Приницпа е елементарен: Стабилизираното изправено напрежение , примерно 13-14 волта се подава в импулсен режим посредством релетата към зареждания акумулатор. Коефицента на запълване на импулсите също е от значение но мисля че 50% е нормално.... Характерно е че импулсите са строго правоъгълни(почти иделни правоъгълни).


  • Гост
Аз друго си мисля:
Релетата служат за включване на акумулаторите към аналоговия вход на Пик контролера, за следене на напрежението на акумулатора. А мощните транзистори зареждат акумулатора чрез ШИМ.


  • Гост
Не гледайте какво съм казал в предното мнение, беше бърз и спонтанен отговор, без да се вникват в нещата.
Поразрових се малко и почетох и намерих пълната схема където е вложена тази платка, ако някой иска може да обсъдим принципа на действие и да правим експериментите. Всичко се управлява от микрроконтролер, който за мен няма тайни, мога да го накарам да генерира каквито и да е комбинации на изходите си, само ако ги знам.
От тук нататък остава да гадаем кое реле след кое се включва. 

Прикачвам и картинката, но ще разтегне екрана, така и не разбрах от къде се "ресайзва", ако може админа да я "ресайзне"
« Последна редакция: Декември 26, 2008, 05:51:31 am от MarioBros »


  • Гост
Не мога да ви изпратим хора на схеми, печатни платки Layouts, или дори на самия контролер, ако искате да експериментират с него. Аз само ще трябва да бъдат възстановени разходите за материали и пощенски разходи.

Изпрати ми имейл, с адрес за доставка, и мога да видя какво мога да направя, за да получите единица, за да ви за тестване.

Аз не използват платени Пал да приеме покритие на части и пощенски разходи. Аз не съм продават за печалба, аз съм за изграждането на тези образователни цели.


  • Гост
Това истиския Аласка Стар ли е?  ::)

Неактивен mzk

  • Много Напреднал
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  • http://analogov.com
    • analogov.com
@gomi - да.


Welcome :)

Since the translation (i think google trans) is not clear enough, can you write your posts in English? It is no problem.


  • Гост
The translator stinks, but it's the closest thing I can do to be able to read your language.

Keep in mind that I went from not knowing any sign language to being totally fluent in a matter of 5 days.  Now when I want to talk to my deaf friends....a bit quicker than writing everything down.

I can learn new languages, be patient...

I can write everything out in English.

Yes, it is me, AlaskaStar, from Wasilla, Alaska, USA. 

I stumbled on your site a year ago, and had to really let loose the laughter as you guys were looking at the picture, but couldn't figure out the traces. 

I'll give you a hint, because it's all there, except the programming for the chip which runs at 0.5 hertz output.

The big circuit diagram/ schematic that you have posted here, is the controller for a digital solenoid valve solar thermal engine.  A small part of that large circuit contains the entirety of the battery controller circuit, as would be used to extend the life of the batteries for engine starting, via heating coils/ glow-plugs.

I am surprised that none of you have just outright asked me for a copy of the plans/ schematics, or asked me how to obtain a controller unit, as I have several units built, they take a mere 2 hours to assemble and program, including power-up and testing.



  • Гост
Hi AlaskaStar,

This is because normally people accept inventors to be secretive about their inventions and swouldn't dream to ask about plans or even more - the item itself.

If it is not the case with you, then please send us the plans or ready made device and let us know what it would cost to dispatch it to Bulgaria or to UK. I understand from the poor online translator that you accept PayPal. Is this correct?

Thank you


  • Гост
I will try to keep this clear and simple, because too many people whom claim to be educated keep messing this up. 

The battery controller ONLY works with liquid acid type batteries.  Paste electrolyte batteries are NOT compatible with this device.  Lead-Acid batteries are the cheapest, and most powerful, and are compatible with this device.

The battery controller is not a charger.  It does not charge the batteries.

The battery controller only extends the useful power cycle of the battery during the discharge cycle.

This extension of battery life is accomplished by means of spike discharging the batteries, while still maintaining a smooth DC common output with no ripple.

If the battery controller is connected to 8 batteries (parallel connection) or 8 banks of batteries (banks in series, connected in parallel to the controller) the sequence is as follows:

Time, Action:
0:00  Battery 1 connects to load, disconnects from pack
0:01  Battery 2 connects to load, disconnects from pack
0:02  Battery 3 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 1 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:03  Battery 4 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 2 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:04  Battery 5 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 3 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:05  Battery 6 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 4 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:06  Battery 7 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 5 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:07  Battery 8 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 6 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:08  Battery 1 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 7 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:09  Battery 2 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 8 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:10  Battery 3 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 1 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:11  Battery 4 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 2 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:12  Battery 5 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 3 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:13  Battery 6 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 4 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:14  Battery 7 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 5 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
and the process repeats endlessly.

"Reconnects to pack" this means disconnected from the load, and is reconnected to the bank of batteries where chemical rest as well as equalization charge takes place.

So each battery connects to the load for 2 seconds time, and rests for 6 seconds time.  The connection is preceded by and superseded by connections overlapping by 1 second to remove all chance of contact arcing in the SPDT Relays.  This also gives enough buffer to keep the DC output smooth with no spike ripples.

Many people have attempted to speed up this process.  They have pushed this design into the gigahertz frequency and found NO RESULTS.  The results are only achieved in very slow action, giving ample time for electrochemical re-balancing and allows the batteries to last longer.

The "equalization" mode is the point in which the batteries that are NOT connected to the load, ARE connected together, and this allows the electrical current to assist in the chemical re-balance mode that takes place between each discharge spike.

Faster is not always better. 

I have not figured out how to post diagrams yet. Will soon though.

If you attempt to build this circuit, the PIC16F84A micro-controller is a necessity.  If you do build it, then I also suggest to keep it SLOW.  If you speed it up, the rebalance timing that is required becomes too short and nullifies the effects.

I do accept pay-pal, yes.  You would have to pay-pal to my e-mail address.  My email is alaskastar2000 (At) hotmail (dOt) com

You will need to replace the (At) with an @ symbol and the (dOt) with a decimal, and I do this because of web-bots/ crawlers searching for emails to send junk.

I am aware of the secretive nature of inventors.  My problem isn't secrecy, my problem is people who are so arrogant to think that they know everything, and then modify without ever trying to replicate, and then come back at me calling me a liar.  If they would replicate EXACT materials, etc, then they would see the EXACT same results I am getting.  This is how true science is accomplished.  My goals are to help the people of earth, although many cannot help themselves, so it is to the groups such as this to perform the task.

Money and fame, etc....that's all dandy and nice, but it's nothing but selfish greed in the end if you don't help someone.  I oppose greed at every level, and fiercely at that.

I would not mind being able to move out of my current location, and work on better technologies, but that requires funding which I do not have.

In the moment, I have to be patient, and keep working.

I just finished 89 straight hours of work with no sleep.  I am now going to get some much needed rest.  I also do not know how much it will cost to send one of these units to UK/ Bulgaria.



  • Гост
Does anyone comprehend what this circuit is and does?  I do, but does anyone else see the value of such an innovation in cheap power storage using easy to acquire and low cost conventional lead acid batteries?



  • Гост
Hi AlaskaStar

I do realise that in effect 8 batteries can replace 80 with your technology, since the increase in powergiving is tenfold. In that case it should be possible with one bank of 8 to supply quite a bit of electricity, let's say for your home. But one would need an inverter as well, wouldn't they? Please comment on that and also on the following if you know the answer:

1. How much electricity will be needed to charge 8 batteries
2. How much electricity will 8 batteries supply, multiplied by 10




Всъщност става ясно че 8 акумулатора могат да заместят 80 с тази технология, тъй като увеличението на времето през което те отдават енергия е десетократно. В такъв случай е възможно с 8 акумулатора да доставим доста електричество, да кажем за дома. Но нали тогава ще се нуждаем от инвертер и колко ще струва той?

Моля за по просветените в акумулаторното дело да дадат своя коментар. На мен ми се струва че това е доста лесно ако е истина, макар че е трудно да му се намери приложение. Нужни са данни като:

1. Колко енергия отива да се заредят 8 акумулатора.
2. Колко е отдадената енергия от 8 акумулатора, умножена по 10.
3. Колко струва един подходящ инвертер.

Виждал съм изчисления за това колко акумулатора биха били необходими за да се захрани нормално домакинство. Цифрата беше от порядъка на 120 такива. Значи с тази технология бихме могли с малък брой акумулатори да доставим същия ефект.



  • Гост

1.  The energy required to charge 8 batteries depends obviously on the Amp/Hour rating of the batteries being used.  Another attribute of the circuit is the ability to run higher voltages and spike-charge the batteries, allowing them to cool and distribute the excess non-absorbed power to the rest of the pack via surface charge in the re-balance/ equalize.  This allows the "load" port to also be a charge input port.

2. The output capacity of the bank is again dependent entirely on the A/h rating of the batteries.  You cannot power 10 city blocks with 8 lawn-mower batteries.

3. A 5kw stackable inverter, true sine, sells locally for about $1,000 USD.  Stackable means that instead of 60hz at 120 volts, if desired, can connect the two for 240 volts at 60 hz while still retaining 5kw power rating.  This is 5kw constant rated, and 9kw peak.



  • Гост
Of course. I wouldn't dream to supply the City with electricity.

The question is if we use the same batteries with your technology. Am I right in thinking that the energy input for 8 batteries will be 10 times less than the energy we can take out of them?



  • Гост
it will be interesting for us to see some working examples.
For sure in Bulgaria cash-machines, ATM's, POS-terminals have a general problem to work with 60 Hz, because  this frequency cause  erasing the static memory - fiscal sealed chips EEPROM and PROM, especially some old models, which still working and they are still usable in our market.
Believe me, I know this from experience.
Another sample is some "smart" devices designed for 50 Hz with microprocessor and static memory
have the same problem.
And off course, I'll ask straight - is it possible to change the output frequency to the load   at 45-50Hz?



ще бъде интересно за нас да видим някои работещи примери.
Със сигурност в България касовите апарати, банкоматите, пос-терминалите имат съществен проблем да работят на 60 Хц, защото тази честота предизвиква изтриване на статичнита памет - фискално запечатаните чипове EEPROM и PROM, особено някои стари модели, които са все още използваеми на нашия пазар.
Повярвайте ми, знам това от опит.
Друг пример са "умните" устройства проектирани за 50Хц със микропроцесор и статична памет, имат същия проблем.
И разбира се, ще попитам направо - възможно ли е да се промени изходната честота върху товара на 45-50 Хц?

« Последна редакция: Октомври 07, 2009, 01:10:55 am от rebel »