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Вижте тази система и кажете що за животно е, на обратна осмоза е ето и инфото за нея както и линк към сайта:
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=245464072There is a fabric pre-filter, a carbon post-filter and the reverse osmosis membrane in the bottom part of the unit. All you need to supply is the container to collect the water. The booklet says stage 1:- water passes from your tap into the micron stocking pre-filter, then into the reverse osmosis module.There are 8 linear feet of membrane used, providing 5.5 sq feet of usable surface area in the unit. It will yield approx 4-6 gallons water in 8 hrs. Hope this helps. 6:31 pm, Tue 6 Oct
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