Автор Тема: Методи за реформиране на водород  (Прочетена 28987 пъти)

Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« -: Ноември 05, 2007, 11:29:42 am »
1. Водород може да се получи от въглеводороди, чрез голямо количество топлина, процес познат като "ре-формиране" на водород. Понастоящем повечето водород се получава по този мед от природен газ.

2. Чрез друг метод с използване на електрически ток също възможно разпадането на водата до съставните й компоненти : кислород и водород.

3. Някои водорасли и бактерии, които използват слънчевата светлина като основен източник на енергия, при определени обстоятелства отделят водород.



1. Тъй като ре-формирането на водород за мен бе неизвестно, някой може ли да даде повече информация или източници на такава?

2. Някой може ли да ме насочи към литература за разграждаща клетка? Интересува ме конкретна информация за електричеството (големина на тока, напрежение)?


  • Гост
Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #1 -: Ноември 05, 2007, 12:16:34 pm »
Работя по въпроса. Надявам се в близко бъдеще да имам конкретни резултати. Засега с 4-5 ампера на около 12 волта, но газът е недостатъчен. Електролизера ми е доста примитивен. Усъвършенствам го постепенно.....

Неактивен mzk

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Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #3 -: Ноември 05, 2007, 05:25:33 pm »

In the United States most hydrogen is produced by natural gas
(methane) reformation. In the hydrocarbon reformation
process, methane is reacted with steam over a nickel catalyst
at a temperature of up to 1000o Centigrade (1800o Fahrenheit).
The reaction for this process is:

CH4 + H2O ---> CO + 3H2

In the second stage of the reformation process, a reaction
referred to as the "CO shift" occurs. In this reaction, carbon
monoxide is reacted chemically with steam.

CO + H2O ---> CO2 + H2

This reaction takes place at 350o C (650o F) on the surface of
commercially available catalysts (such as iron oxide). Oxygen
from the steam combines with the carbon monoxide to form
carbon dioxide, with the two hydrogen atoms in the water
molecule being released as additional hydrogen. The
resulting gas now consists of one molecule of carbon dioxide
and four molecules of hydrogen. The overall chemical
reaction for the reformation of natural gas is:

CH4 + 2H2O ---> 4H2 + CO2

Fortunately, natural gas can be reformed into hydrogen
without a substantial loss in energy. This is significant in view
of the fact that hydrogen can be utilized in some energy
applications much more efficiently than natural gas. It
actually is beginning to make sense to convert the natural gas
into hydrogen before utilization.

Неактивен mzk

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Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #5 -: Ноември 06, 2007, 07:14:29 pm »

Voltage oscillogram processing results (Figs 2 and 3). Taking into consideration the scale factor, which is equal to 10, we'll find a mean value of voltage pulse amplitude  

=[(0.20+0.24+0.12+0.10+0.30+0.18+0.16+0.12+0.30+ 0.24+0.30)/11] x10=2,05 V .

Pulse period Т=(24х2)/10=4.8 ms.

Pulse duration =(2х1.45)/10=0.29 ms.

Pulse frequency =(1/0.001x4.8)=208.3 Hz.

Pulse period-to-pulse duration ratio =48/0.29=16.55.

Duty factor =0.5/16.55=0.0302.

Equivalent mean component of voltage pulses calculated according to the oscillograph readings =2.05х0.0302=0.062 V. At that time, the voltmeter readings were 11.0 V.

Current oscillogram processing results (Figs 4 and 5).  Taking into consideration the scale factor, which is equal to 10, and resistance of 0.1 Ohm resistor we'll find a mean value of current pulse amplitude  

={[(9.0+7.0+2.0+11.5 +6.0+8.5+3.5+9.0+2.5+6.5)/10]x10}/0.1=655мА =0.655 А.

       Mean current in the electrolyzer supply circuit is =0.655х0.0302=0.01978А =0.02А. The ammeter readings are 0.02 А.

            A question emerges at once: why is current value according to the readings of the ammeter and oscillograph the same and voltage value according to  the oscillograph readings is 177.4fold less than according to the voltmeter readings? A series of additional experiments accompanying this question is shown that a low current electrolyzer cell is a capacitor being discharged gradually under the influence of electrolytical processes, which take place in it. A value of this discharge is compensated by the pulses of voltage, which mean value is considerably less than a constant value of charge voltage of this capacitor.

            Thus, the voltmeter shows a capacitor charge voltage value, and the  oscillograph shows a value of its recharge, which characterizes the energy consumed by the cell from the line. It appears from this that in order to calculate energy consumed by the low current electrolyzer cell from the line it is necessary to use voltage, which is registered not by the voltmeter, but by the oscillograph. As a result, energy consumption for hydrogen production from water in case of low current electrolysis are reduced not 12fold, but almost 2000fold.

            Thus, a small value of current 0.02 A and voltage 0.062 V allows us to suppose that in the low current electrolyzer the water electrolysis process is similar to the process, which takes place during photosynthesis. At photosynthesis, hydrogen separated from the water molecule is used as a connecting link while organic molecule formation, and oxygen is released in the air. At low current electrolysis, both hydrogen and oxygen are released in the air.

            Fruitfulness of this attractive hypothesis should be checked not once, but now it is the only one, which gives a satisfactory explanation of an unusual experimental result.

Note: gas release is clearly seen during several hours after the cell is disconnected from the line.

Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #6 -: Ноември 06, 2007, 07:41:10 pm »
http://new-physics.com/files/PhysChemCh14.pdf - Погледнете около стр 33.

Патента на Канарев е 2227817

Ето я и страницата му- с много публикации и книги достъпни за четене.

Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #7 -: Ноември 06, 2007, 07:49:49 pm »
Kanarev has just posted a couple of papers on using and measuring odd wave forms if you are interested


За тез дето разбират  :oops:  :roll:

Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #9 -: Ноември 21, 2007, 07:14:10 pm »
Sterling: I talked to you on the phone about hydrogen. Here is the info. I built a hydrogen generator in 2002-2003. I used mosfets and pulsed them with a adjustable pulse width generator. After spending several days going slowly through the frequencys I found that sudenly at 41khz to 42 khz a lot more gas was produced. After playing with the circuit for a couple of months I also discovered that once the frequency was right the gas would continue the same regardless of the pulse width. I shortened the pulse width as much as possible and then started changing out mosfets for quicker ones. The trick here is to choose mosfetts with the least gate capacatance. [THE SMALLER THE GATE CAPACATANCE THE FASTER THE OPENING AND CLOSING.] There are several other methods that I didn't try like commutating SCR's, using impedence matching on both the gate feed and the gate drain, using a combination of inductors/capacitors in series to speed up the opening and closing of the fets or just small inductors to impedence match with the gate capacatance to drain the gate faster. Some of the mistakes I made was to make a low voltage cell. I believe the best cell would be a high voltage cell. Mine had 60 positive and 60 negative plates, alternating next to each other, at 3 volts I had close to a dead short. When I saw the bob boyce setup on your website I relized that I was very close to success and that if you were to build his exact same hydrogen generator with the shortest pulse width at the frequency that he recomends you will have it. I also discovered that after an initial run in of several hours this gas would continue in great quantity regardless of the frequency. It was as though the water had been conditioned. I was called to another job that took up all my time for a couple of years and haven't been able to work on this since. I used 316L food grade stainless for everything in the generator.


  • Гост
Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #10 -: Ноември 21, 2007, 08:35:59 pm »

пак схеми с достъпни елементи .. използва се генератор .. мисля че от кола на който на възбудителната намотка се подава импулсно напрежение а отделно генератора се върти с друг ел-мотор, другата е без алтернатора ..

п.с. гледам вече този линк е пускан в др тема ... модератора ако иска нека да го изтрие.

Неактивен mzk

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #11 -: Ноември 22, 2007, 09:00:03 am »
Това е добре познатият D14.pdf, който може да се види на panaceauniversity.org :-)

sheki, кажи ако разполагаш с информация за дизайна на клетката. Тази на Стан Майер е с тръби (една в друга). Неръждавейки.
Руснака Канарев е направил нискотокова клетка с конусовиден вид.

Неактивен jantar

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #12 -: Ноември 22, 2007, 11:40:55 am »
Илия Вълков също използва конусовидна форма за регулиране на тока (или дебита на произведения газ)в зависимост от нивото на течността или налягането на газа.
Много просто и надеждно решение
значи е гениално!


  • Гост
Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #13 -: Ноември 22, 2007, 12:09:10 pm »
Не смесвайте двете конусовидни устройства-на Илия Вълков и на Канарев. Те нямат нищо общо.
Устройството на Вълков служи за регулиране на тока в зависимост от нивото на течността - да, гениално но за времето си - 1974 г. ако не се лъжа. Да не вземе някой да го прави това - сега има други начини.
Докато клетката на Канарев е за разлагане на водата и то със супер ефективна електролиза и т.н.

Неактивен jantar

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Методи за реформиране на водород
« Отговор #14 -: Ноември 22, 2007, 04:51:56 pm »
Регулирането и при двете е едно само дето руснака използва импулсен ток за разлагането
регулира се дебита на газ