Автор Тема: СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител  (Прочетена 20912 пъти)


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СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« -: Януари 17, 2008, 02:27:34 am »
Супер елементарен отоплител, състоящ се от въртящ се барабан в цилиндър.


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Re: СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« Отговор #1 -: Февруари 08, 2008, 11:38:12 am »
Супер елементарен отоплител, състоящ се от въртящ се барабан в цилиндър.

Правил ли си го?

Неактивен mzk

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Re: СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« Отговор #2 -: Февруари 08, 2008, 06:49:35 pm »


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Re: СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« Отговор #3 -: Февруари 09, 2008, 12:27:25 pm »
Правил ли си го?

А ти?   ::)

Не, но понеже е "супер елеметарен" си помислих, че ти си го изпробвал, затова така "горещо" го препоръчваш ;)


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Re: СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« Отговор #4 -: Април 11, 2009, 05:26:22 am »

Ако ви интересува колко е ефективен този метод, ви предоставям отговора, който получих от тях:

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your inquiry in regard to heating water and/or making steam.  Our company no longer markets the device for these applications.  Although the device is efficient, in most all water heating applications it is difficult to economically justify a device from a capital savings or operating efficiency point of view.  The SPR is about 98% efficient from a shaft point of view and about 90% overall when coupled with a standard 92% efficiency motor, while a standard boiler is also about 90% efficient.  However, gas or oil are generally 50% cheaper on a btu basis when compared to electricity, as electricity is an expensive and highly refined fuel when compared to gas, coal or oil.  As an example, using current national averages for natural gas and electricity, a 1 million btu/hr system would require about $24/hr of electricity as compared to only $8/hr of natural gas for the same output.  Where electricity is competitive there are electrical resistance heaters that are much cheaper and approach 99% efficiency.  When we heat fluids there generally has to be some mitigating factor to justify the premium in capital and operating cost.  The system can heat water, but there are numerous competing technologies that can heat water and make steam that are much less capital intensive and often cheaper to operate.  Because of this we ceased marketing home/residential heating systems and generic steam systems. 


Our core heating applications are now applications where:


-A fluid scales rapidly on a heat transfer surface


-Safety/operational concerns demand a flameless system for safety


-Total automation is needed and not available with conventional technology


Our heating applications are largely niche applications where conventional technology falls short.  Examples of heating applications well suited to the device include:


-Heating of food products such as cheese, eggs and chocolate


-Heating chemical and polymeric streams


-Heating industrial brines and heavy salt solutions


If your application contains mitigating circumstances such as these, we’d be happy to discuss it with you further. 


The company has also moved towards the mixing and reaction chemistry applications in addition to specialized heating applications which can be found at www.hydrodynamics.com under the industry tab.  Unfortunately there is a great deal of inaccurate information in regard to our technology online and we encourage you to consult our website for the most accurate information. Thanks for your interest in our company, we continue to strive to bring our customers the best industrial heating, mixing and reactor solutions.




Douglas G. Mancosky, Ph.D

Director of Application Development


Hydro Dynamics, Inc

8 Redmond Court

Rome, GA 30165

706-234-4111 x116

706-234-0702 (fax)



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Re:СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« Отговор #5 -: Март 01, 2010, 12:18:11 am »
Това на Hydrodinamics е друга машинка, по-скоро подобна на тази: http://www.demetra-geia.org/bulgarian/generators/index.htm . Тя постоянно добавя вода към въртящ се вал. Когато водата излиза от дупките (под определен ъгъл) и се блъска в контейнера на вала тя се загравя мигновено и се получава пара.

А почти една година по-късно от последния пост в тази тема, мога ли да попитам: има ли някой тук който го е пробвал това доста лесно за изпълнение устройство?

Неактивен kkrasi1967

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Re: СХЕМИ [ENG]: Безгоривен отоплител
« Отговор #6 -: Юли 10, 2013, 02:02:01 pm »
..лесно е ако имаш частите,опитах да го направя но ударих в едни цени дето са непосилни и това само за материалите изработката е съвсем друга бариера..