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Stan Meyer Пояснения
« -: Март 03, 2008, 01:33:14 pm »

Turning water into fuel
The process of efficient electrolysis
And the operation of the water fuel cell
If you give me fifteen minutes I can show you how to change the world.
The question is, will your cynicism keep you from doing it?

Water can be burned as a fuel source. Why hasn't it been done before? Because people aren't capable of following directions, and are either guilty of too little confidence in their abilities, or have too much. If you read this to the end, and follow my suggestions, and the links I provide maybe we will see this technology at last. Before I start there are some things you should know. I am not a writer, which will become evident if you choose to continue reading. I am not a physicist, a mathematician, an electronics expert nor a salesman. So this is free knowledge. However it may cost you some money..you may be so intrigued by this information that you will buy the materials (I don't sell them) and begin to experiment yourself. Stan Meyer fans, stick around, because for everything you think you know there is still more to learn, trust me, and bear with me while I attempt to tell the story first, and then we will get to the good stuff.

Stan Meyer was a man that made some very bold claims in the late 1980's. He claimed to have run a car on water. In fact he did run a car on water. With an apparatus that he had designed and patented he was able to break H2O down into its component gasses. Not through electrolysis as it is originally thought of, but through an entirely unique electrolysis process. His claims were witnessed by scientists, government officials, including the patent officials where he had to prove his claims to get the patents, and numerous media outlets.
In 2005 I decided to build a propane injection system for a hopped up diesel truck that I have. With the horsepower in my NA (naturally aspirated) diesel I couldn't afford to have my EGT's get any higher, so I was looking to add water vapor injection with the LPG to keep the temperatures at an acceptable level. While searching I came across hydrogen or HHO boosters. I instantly became intrigued. Propane burns slow, combined with diesel it raises the exhaust gas temperatures (EGT), but hydrogen burns so fast it would actually aid the combustion without a serious increase in the EGT's. That would allow me to increase my injector pump pressures, and add even more hydrogen. Win-win situation. Sorry to digress. I had no intention of buying any "HHO cell". My intentions were to decide on a system, and build one that is custom to my application. So while researching these systems I came across Stan Meyer's WFC, the water fuel cell. At first I was a skeptic, so I set out to learn as much as I could about the science behind it. My first stop was the internet where I found a quite a few people were already researching these WFC's, after seeing that all of these people were working on the idea and yet no-one had been able to produce the results that had been witnessed and reported by impartial people, and even some that used to be skeptics I became even more interested. I am very good at solving riddles.
Never one to be guilty of too little confidence I set out to learn everything that I could about the science of electrolysis, the water molecule itself, and the inventor of the WFC.

Electrolysis is simply creating a magnetic field and using it to decompose chemicals into their components. In the form of water it becomes hydrogen and oxygen. My first experiment was two stainless steel perforated plates separated by 1/16 of an inch. For power I used a 12 volt trolling motor battery. I got some production, enough to prove that the science was valid, and warranted further study.
Next I studied the water molecule. I hadn't really paid attention in school; I was too preoccupied with more important things. The H2O molecule is a neat little thing; it is comprised of two H atoms and one O atom. The little thing holding them together is the electron. The electron is the only bonding force, however try pulling three magnets apart, not very hard is it, now take a swimming pool and fill it with magnets and try pulling one of them out, it becomes a lot harder because the force is increased over the entire surface area, and they are all bonded together. That is water in its natural state. But what makes this situation interesting is that it is not a simple electromagnetic bond, it is an electrostatic bond called the covalent bond. Scuffing your feet loads you up with electro-static energy, and touching something conductive discharges that energy. That means that if the electrostatic charge on an electron can be discharged, it will cease to bond. At first I dived in, almost expecting to have to go back to school and get a doctorate in chemistry. After getting this far I decided that maybe I should investigate Mr. Meyer a little bit. If this guy is some kind of super genius then I wouldn't stand a chance at learning enough without some additional higher learning. What I learned about Stan Meyer sent me right back to my studies with a renewed vigor. He studied at an advanced energy sciences college, but never graduated. Remember that fact because it will become relevant.

During my investigation of Stan I began to realize that he wasn't a super genius, he wasn't a mad scientist, what he seemed to be was just a "good old boy" with some above average intelligence. How had he come to this discovery? I read every article about, and by Stan Meyer that could be found posted on the internet, and published in any book at the library. (Yes they still exist) I watched every video clip with him in it; from news stories about him to home videos of his lectures and his "car that ran on water".

"To study a thing is to understand a thing"

There in lies the secret, to understand the invention I didn't first need to study the mechanics of it, I first needed to understand the inventor. He was what confused me, he confused everybody. He used terms that weren't exactly correct, and in fact some of the things he said were quite misleading. His patents skated around the issues and seemed to be lacking in relevant information. So once again I went back to watching the videos, I studied them. I slowed them down I paused them; I watched his mannerisms and studied the man. I came to some very enlightening conclusions during that time. About not only Stan, but the people working on replicating his WFC as well.
No one likes to share their secrets, and every one has a reason why. Of all the places on the web that preach information sharing, only a few have attempted to share anything, and I believe that is only showboating. A technology worth billions is not something anyone wants to share, they want to be the first, and they expect to get rich either through sales or becoming famous. The simple fact is if the information is given away someone will get rich manufacturing the cells and or selling them. But if I give everybody the technology, there will be too much competition to charge to a fortune.

Stan turned down millions offered to him by the representatives of an Arab oil company to just sit on the technology. I believe him, and I suspect that they were from the U.A.E. Not Saudi Arabia as some have speculated. Gentlemen, I tell you now, I know how Stan made his cell operational; it worked as he said, and if anyone offers me a few million to stop telling the world, then I will take their money and take care of my family and shower them with gifts. And I underlined it to let them know in case they are reading it. In the meantime I am going to let the world know that the technology is available, is viable and is extremely valuable. Do not let anyone get rich from selling you this thing which anyone can build, the key to the WFC is in the electronics that Stan used, and he had said that himself.

Stan used an old alternator powered by an AC motor, a signal generator, and his VIC (voltage intensifier circuit) along with his cell to produce this amazing amount of hydrogen or HHO on demand. And this is where the story gets convoluted so bear with me and I will clarify it at the end I promise you.

I studied the videos of Stan's cell so that I could build one like it; I compared his cell to the hundreds on the web. They all used the same basic materials, and configuration, so all I had to do was gather a signal generator, an oscilloscope, and 12 volt DC power source, build the cell and get on with it. So that's what I did. I chose to use flat plates instead of the tubes that Stan had settled on because I had some around my shop and from my experiments found that the shape wasn't as relative as was the technique. Next I needed to double my voltage. This was an easy task, I simply used a 24v 850ma transformer that I had from an old fuel furnace. This solved two things, first it was close to the 26v that Stan used, and second it was low amperage. Next I made an induction coil salvaged from a stun-gun (crazy huh) and placed it in the circuit. By adjusting the frequency and pulsing the voltage I now had some pretty good production, next I gated the pulses switching the voltage off after about three seconds, when the power switched off the primary coil's power was interrupted causing the secondary coil on the induction coil to fire sending the voltage way into the kilovolt range. The gas production was getting better. After a lot of toying with it I realized I had hit the same plateau as everyone else. The secret eluded me. I could make gas, but I couldn't make the gas just pour off like Stan. That is until I started listening to Stan Meyer. In his videos his speeches are always rehearsed, that is evident because they are almost verbatim. So it would seem that Stan didn't know as much about this system that he created as one would be led to believe, he never answered the technical questions asked of him by people that had obviously done their homework, he would just blow it off. One day I went about researching free electrons, and came across what I thought was a paper by Stan because it was discussing "liberated" electrons. Lo and behold it was written by Andrija Puharich. His studies and even his drawings were almost an identical match to Stan's work, yet they were written before, and in the earliest stages of Stan's development. I came to the realization that Stan may have been doing the same thing as everybody studying his work. Trying to replicate someone else's work and be as cryptic as possible so that no one else would catch on to him, the only difference was that Stan had actually surpassed the other inventors results, that is when it hit me..That is why Stan had went to that particular college and then dropped out. This man was no failure; he went to that school for a single purpose, to learn specifically about the studies of Andrija Puharich and none other than Nikola Tesla. He went to increase his knowledge on the very thing he was at home working on once he had learned what he needed he dropped out, he needed to apply his time to his mission. That was his goal, not a degree. It always struck me as odd that Stan would go from sales into science, he didn't have a background in it, so how could this idea just "pop" into his head. He says God, I say whatever. Now Andrija had a motive to be tampering with this stuff, he had a background story. He found that he could disassociate the atoms in water molecules using ultrasonic and ELF frequencies while searching for a way to break up blood clots with non-invasive techniques. But once he was unsuccessful in that respect he moved on to other things. Somehow Stanley got a hold of this idea and started working on it. So ok, he felt that God had led him to this great idea, and maybe he did, but the concept justified his needing to learn more. (I should have been a detective)
But after further research I found that I wasn't the only one that had stumbled on to this, there were others, and yet still no one had found success. Why?

With this new information I now had other avenues to investigate, new theories to test , more nights without sleep, and then another epiphany. Well actually a $139.00 stroke of good misfortune. My alternator went bad in my truck, the very truck that had started this whole mess in the first place. A diesel engine does not have all of the excess wiring that a gasoline engine does; it lacks an electronic ignition, a coil, and the computer "brain". So as some of you that have ever put a radio in an older car may recall, if you wire it up directly to the battery you get to hear what? An incessant squealing that comes through the radio speakers, and when I changed my alternator I did just that, when I reconnected the battery and started my truck the radio was on an AM station. And of course I heard the whine change pitch when I revved the engine. This whine is caused by the rotation of the shaft (oscillations) creating a radio frequency that runs through your cars wiring. Yahtzee! In newer cars all of the excess wiring soaks up the signal and filters it out.
This is the reason Stan used the alternator, maybe he didn't not have the knowledge necessary to create a complex circuit that consisted of an Amplitude Modulated audio frequency inducted onto a carrier wave. That is what Andrija Puharich had used in his studies, and an alternator does just that. So now I had the key or so I thought. If I used my alternator and removed the voltage regulator I would get a good amount of voltage and the audio frequency in one bundle, but how do I adjust the frequency? By adjusting the speed at which the electric motor turns my new "oscillator". I didn't have an electric motor around so I pulled the pulley, and used an electric drill on a bolt screwed into the shaft, I checked it with an ammeter and was getting way to many amps, just like everyone else, so I placed a jumper wire on the terminals to "fool" the alternator into thinking that there was a fully charged battery hooked up to it thereby cutting the amps to almost nothing and keeping the voltage high,
After hooking everything up to an old signal generator I started messing around with settings, by adjusting the dial on the drill's trigger I could increase and decrease the speed thus modulating the audio frequency, the voltage did not go through a VIC as Stan used because I did not know how to build one, instead going through the stun-gun coil, now I looked for a toroid coil, because Stan said he used one, I found one and was going to put it in the circuit until I found out what they do, they actually filter out RF interference, which is exactly what the audio oscillator was needed for. I assumed that Stan had just made a mistake and actually had meant an induction coil because nowhere in his patent does he show a toroid coil in the circuit. Because if it had been, the thing wouldn't have worked at the patent office, and if it was present in the schematic and not in the circuit it would have raised some eyebrows. Old Stanley had used that as a ruse, if someone had used a toroid they will not get the audio frequency that is needed to make the cell work. Misinformation to help protect his work from duplication perhaps? Since my cell now had an audio frequency going through it the electrodes were almost humming, they had become the "excitors" that Stan referred to. And my gas production, at times was just more than at previous times, but when I would switch the pulsing voltage to off and the secondary windings discharged, it scared me to have the thing indoors. Production went off the charts. I thought the water was going to literally boil out.

I have made the cell, I have investigated the man, and found out he was continuing Puharich's work, and I later found out that his VIC is just a simple Tesla resonant tank circuit. But wait there's more.

As I let the cell run and continued to play with the frequency, the pulsing time and the audio frequency (by varying the drill speed) I found sweet spots where the water was almost boiling and would disappear at a rate where it was actually a visible action. You could watch as the water disappeared, but then it would slow and have to be tuned again. After awhile nothing I could do made any production and I had actually topped off the cell three times. Lucky for me I was outside because what happened next would have blown the roof off of the house had I been inside with all of the gas I had just made over an hour period, I stuck my hand into the cell to pull the plates, with the electric off (of course) and it still almost electrocuted me, it actually sparked. I quickly double checked and sure enough everything was off. I checked the cell, and it had stored about 3 amps and 10 volts. I am not sure how much discharged when I stuck my hand in there, but let me tell you it cracked liked a baby lightening bolt and made my knuckles ache for a while. I thought that was pretty amazing; I decided to go over everything once more, just to make sure that I wasn't missing anything. I still hadn't used the oscilloscope, I don't even know how. And later that week I had to return the equipment to the person I had borrowed it from. But I was fine, I was satisfied that I had actually achieved some success or so I had thought. I went back to searching for others that should have achieved success by now so that I could hopefully share my experiencesand yet no one had achieved anything, after two years not one other person knew this? So now my selfish nature has just reared its ugly head, I wanted money before I just gave my hard work over to some one else to profit from. I could care less about fame. So I went back to studying the tapes, I wanted to find out who Stan's sources were, who offered him the money. Maybe I could get some of that. I would love to tell my wife that we are millionaires and that she'll never have to work again, I'd love to be able to buy a couple hundred acre farm in Colorado and build some jeeps to wheel. I'd even move my mother in-law out there. (Playing on the heart strings for that bribe)
Life would be real sweet if I could just find out who wanted Stan's work and get in touch with them. I found one of them. But in the meantime I wanted to perfect this thing.
While studying the tapes for the hundredth time I came to a point where Stan talks about the capacitance of the cell. I hadn't really understood before but I think I do now. The cell works at high voltage while limiting the amperage. Think of the electric as water. The voltage is the pressure, the current is the volume. If you try to fill up a 5gal. container with a pressure washer it will take you quite a while to do it. But the stream will shoot a distance, so you can fill it up from across the yard. That is voltage.
Now fill the same bucket up with the garden hose that was hooked to the pressure washer, it will fill the bucket quicker. Twice as fast in most cases, but at a shorter spray distance than the pressurized stream. That is because you have lost the "potential" energy by increasing the volume, to put the stream out at the same distance (get the workout of it) you have to do one of two things, limit the volume(amps) which means pressurize the stream (induction coil and circuitry) or increase the flow rate (larger more powerful water pump/power source), and increasing amperage increases the danger, and increases the energy being used to create the gas, making it an inefficient process.
What we are trying to do is get the voltage to go a long distance through some highly resistive material, so by decreasing the volume we increase the potential (work that pressure alone can do) because it does not require more power, and volume (amperage) just fills the container (cell) faster, reducing and ultimately stopping its effectiveness.
So to say it in Stan speak (I hope you understand now). By limiting the amps we allow the potential (amp free voltage) to take over, yet we still ultimately end up with amperage saturating the WFC, this amperage comes from the minimal current we are putting in, but also comes from another source as well. Since there is no continuity for the current to pass through easily it charges the cell and becomes free electrons. And I believe that the audio frequency being inducted onto the anode acts as an inhibitor keeping the current from being able to leave the cell at the rate it is brought in to it. Also current is nothing more than electrons. By breaking the covalent bond, each molecule loses two electrons; these liberated electrons remain in the water as well due to the capacitance, once "the capacity" has been reached the cell can not release anymore gas because there are now to many "free" electrons hanging around in the cell that just reformulate the bonds and attach at free points helping to make the covalent bonds stronger by increasing the negative polarity of the molecules as a whole, and create a static layer around the cathode and anode. I believe that some of the free electrons do take on a slightly positive charge, this static layer that builds around the electrodes appears to trap the gas bubbles until it is discharged by either the high voltage being gated off and shaking the cell freeing the gas atoms thereby pulling the electrons away with it, or the polarities of the "exciters" being momentarily switched. But if we harvest those free electrons from the water we are helping the extraction process by taking the generated stored current from the cell. This current can then be used to supply power back to the electronics that power the cell. Since Faraday only discussed the actual fracturing of the covalent bond and did not account for the efficiency of higher grades of stainless steel being able to do the job without decomposing, and then "harvesting" the free electrons that were "liberated" in the process as well as those added by the process well I'll just leave that argument up to the chicken before the egghead debaters for now.

All of this through luck, and misfortune. Those of you that are studying this phenomenon are on the right track but in the wrong position. Those who said it can't be done, you are wrong, it has been done. Through the hard work and sheer genius of great men like Nikola Tesla, Andrija Puharich, and Stanley Meyer.
These men who have been shunned in our history books for being unconventional. Well if we are to examine history we will see many cases of men with unconventional ideas that were proven right. Maybe Stan can join their ranks.

An attempt at clarification

Now that you have the story behind this story, I will try to bring it together for you without all of the history. And hopefully in simpler terms then the mathematical algorithms and geek speak that Stanley and Andrija.
The main difficulty in completing this project without a doubt will be the construction of the electronics. A microprocessor will have to be built, one that can provide or regulate all of the necessary frequencies involved, as well as monitoring the cell to adjust the frequencies accordingly. That is easier today than it would have been even in 1992 when Stan realized it. And more possible than when Andrija figured it out in the late 70's. Like most of us Andrija and Stan Meyer just could not complete that single most crucial component to the WFC. (I wonder if a nice little Palm Pilot could be utilized as the brain)

Here is what I think will be required: (Remember, I am no electronics expert)

An audio oscillator and maybe an amplifier, I didn't use an amplifier but Andrija's schematic shows one.

A custom built microprocessor / built to control the frequency and voltage parameters defined from the use of the signal generator and an oscilloscope during pre-production testing and monitoring.

The microprocessor should be of a small and efficient design capable of controlling the audio frequency / the voltage pulse timer / as well as the voltage frequency to the desired parameters as set through study with the use of a signal generator and oscilloscope during pre-production testing and monitoring.

The microprocessor will also have to monitor the cell, and adjust all frequencies accordingly, as the water's natural resonance will change as the HHO is produced and contaminants are left in the cell. These contaminants change the ability of the water to maintain a steady resonance at a fixed frequency by changing the viscosity as the level of solid contaminants rise to a higher ppm as the water is converted. (Does anyone know what minerals cause a green/black scum to form? Because that comes out of the tap-water where I live, in about 10 seconds there is a inch layer of it on top of the water) (If you do this in a glass container on a ceramic tile as I did you will be able to hear the change in pitch from the glass & ceramic vibrations)

During the pulsing, the water will reach a state of near ionization, aiding in the breakdown process due to weakening of the electrons. The pulsing charges the H molecules natural polarity to a greater extent while weakening the negative charge of the O molecule and electrons, this allows the bond to move from 104.5 to a 109 angle, reducing the dipolar regions hold on the H molecule and stretching the bonding electron, which can now come into contact with more positively charged molecules discharging the electrostatic charge and momentarily switching off the covalent bond. And now the positive is more positive, and the stronger negative is weakened, since the oxygen atom is now less negative it actually has less attraction to the hydrogen atom preventing it from readily reattaching. When the voltage is turned off after peaking, the secondary winding of the induction coil discharges sending the voltage into the high kilovolt ranges stripping the atoms away from each other before they can recover. I believe that the audio frequency should be applied as a constant, not switching off with the voltage.(бел. ред.: ?!?!?!?!?!?!) And by using a Tesla resonant tank circuit in conjunction with an induction coil, voltage should reach exponentially higher peak kilovolts. (I still don't know how that works)
Harvesting the free electrons from the cell will facilitate continued effective and efficient production, storing them in a capacitor and using them to assist in powering the cell. According to Stan Meyer, storing the current from the cell and then using it to power the cell you can actually create a closed loop system. This may sound impossible, but think of it this way, a steam engine boils water to make steam, the rapid expansion and movement of the air is what is used to move the turbine engine, so energy is lost in the form of heat, but a useful byproduct is now available to use again, the water. The wasted energy is in fact not the heat from the steam, but the heat used to create the steam. That energy is transferred into the steam, but since it does not become a source of energy it is now wasted. So by using high voltage potential to gather electrons from water you lose energy in the form of hydrogen, but since you are capturing the hydrogen for use it isn't lost, and since you are now taking the voltage and generated current back into the system, and using it, it isn't lost. The amps are recaptured in the form of freed electrons, the voltage potential's power, but since it is using hardly any amperage, you need to add the kilovolt surges to make watts..I'll stop talking there. It makes sense in my head, but it took me two long years to get my head wrapped around it. The WFC works, I have done it, except for the closed loop part, Stan has done it, and Andrija has done it. I wonder if there are others.

Also Faraday's law is not broken as he intended it. He never counted on using the potential energy of electricity (voltage) he only thought in the terms of current, the power, he also never counted on harvesting the liberated electrons. So if you only think of it as using voltage to make usable electrons then the hydrogen would be the wasted energy, if you only use it to make hydrogen then the electrons become wasted energy in the form of both electric and heat. You can create heat, electricity (running a generator) and even desalinate water, there are a lot more possibilities then what I can think of. But no matter what the waste is HHO gas and electricity. Both are usable. At the end of the cycle using a car for example, the exhaust is water, but that water needs to be recharged with photons which come from the sun. So energy is being used, but not energy we use or have to pay for. (FREE ENERGY)

This is all I can do for now. When I have the money to purchase the electronics and start again I will. But in the meantime here is the secret; I have a lot more to learn about electronics before I could ever complete it. And a lot of you are suffering the same problem, to confident in your abilities to ask for help, and to unwilling to share your work out of fear of losing it. Since I can't do it, I give it freely in the hopes that someone else can, it will take an electronics expert to design a microprocessor to do just what I have said here. And we will all be driving cars that run on water within a year. Sorry Big oil. But as it was said "we didn't come out of the Stone Age because we ran out of stones, and we won't come out of the oil age because we run out of oil". We came out of the Stone Age because our technology grew, and an idea was born, and that man taught another man, and one after the other through history man has learned from man and we have grown because of our ability to learn from one another's ideas. Only in this age of greed do we fear teaching because we may lose the fame and fortune to another. How sad. As for the learning, most of the people working on this technology are so smart that they look at the cell and see how it is done, so they try based on what they know, I wasn't that fortunate, I looked at the cell and saw how it was made, but then I listened to what Stan was saying, and I had to learn what he meant, as well as learn what was going on. Most of these people already knew.and just like people have a propensity to do, they do not listen to what they already know and they just jump right in. If you look at the documentation and listen to Stan you will see that he used the voltage coming from an alternator that was also used to limit the amps, doubled with a VIC (Tesla's resonant tank circuit) into his signal generator, then into the cell, only a couple of times is the toroid coil mentioned, but as I said it is either subterfuge, or he meant induction coil. And with as much as he has kept secret, and let speculation occur just to keep these very facts hidden, I go with subterfuge.

But I still wouldn't mind those millions that were offered to Stan. I'd take the money; I have a family that I would like to spoil. In the meantime I would settle for free gas and electricity, imagine how much cheaper the world would be to live in without the extra bills. As for the economy; that's just how the Feds generate their paychecks. So don't worry about that, this technology would narrow the gap between the rich and the poor and do it by saving the poor some money, only big oil companies would feel the sting, and who cares about them?
Oh' and that secret Government Agency that was going to fund Stanley.DARPA.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, high risk, high payoff research.
I contacted them and told them I'd like to talk to someone about the technology, that it can be done and I know how..Not one person responded. In fact they made it impossible to contact them directly after that, you now have to get a job with them to work on any project. They won't take ideas. I have also contacted the energy giants MOBIL/EXXON and BP, no response. They are only interested in hydrogen from fossil fuels. They rely on the fact that one man can't do this alone.
Only the people want this technology, so we'll have to make it ourselves. If you think this is BS, which is up to you, fine keep doing it wrong, or not doing it all. But if you already have a working cell, a signal generator, and an oscilloscope, what is the harm in adding an audio oscillator to your arsenal? If you use an alternator as the oscillator don't forget the jumper wire, and use a dimmer switch on that wire to control the amperage. Too much will keep the alternator from transferring voltage though it will still create the AM signal. By the way, someone out there (I won't name names) is working on Sonosonic breakdown of water molecules, basically taking a steel tube filled with water and vibrating it with sound waves so fast that they can get the water to split inside the area of cavitations. Sono is from sonar, which is sound. An electronic tuning fork in water, hmmm I wonder what would happen by adding high voltage DC and limiting the amperage to the milliamp level?..
Anyway folks, I can only tell you what I've learned and hope someone smarter than me can take it to the next level. Give it a shot, and let us all know how you make out. I'm not saying I'm smarter than Stan, I only figured out what he did, he was on his way to perfecting it before he died. I am openly admitting I have gone as far as I can; the electronics are the key, the audio signal and pulsed high voltage coupled with the right frequency modulations. I am not even sure that super high k-volts are even necessary with the audio signal at the right frequency.
Do this and you have it. But if anyone suddenly does it and tries to make a huge profit from it without cutting me in for a piece.I'm coming for you, and I don't want to hear that "coincidence" crap either. Do the world some good, free us from fossil fuels and the cancer it is putting in our air and water. Oh' and make it so I can give my diesel another 50+ horsepower, if all the cars are burning cleaner a little smoke won't hurt. Hell if someone can do it I'll go with a gasser.
I'm not sure of everything that goes on in this system, it's just the way it works. Try it for yourself. Most of the terminology is gleaned from Stan, and I believe he uses it because whether or not it is scientifically correct it feels right, and I know some will say there is no proof because I have no videos or picswell people I wasn't doing it for a movie, you-tube or a book, I was doing it to put it in my truck. And once I got it right maybe sell it for mucho dinero contante, but since it is a useless piece of junk without the ability to control it, I have no use for it. All I did was figure out why and how Stan used that alternator instead of a battery or battery charger for the DC voltage. As for the rest, look at what I am saying, and then listen to Stan's lectures, it is that simple.
Or you can just do what I've said, but I'm sure you all are skeptics, lord knows I am. I'm not selling it to you, I've explained it the best I can, and I'm not saying, I'm running a car on it. I'm saying some electronics genius needs to do the important part and then we all can benefit, that guy will be famous for it not me. If you want more I can't give it, but I'm e-mailing this to every one I can in with the hopes that someone can fix us up with a program, or controller to keep it running instead of the constant tuning to keep it going. I'm posting it every place I can to plant the seeds of wonder in peoples minds. I'm sick of buying fuel, and paying for electric, (and I still want that HP for my diesel). Plus I can't get rich off of something I can't do, so I figure if I can't be rich, and I'm not going to make someone else rich, the only other solution is to make a lot of us a less poor by saving money!
My test cell was perforated stainless plates with 1mm spacing in a 1 qt. glass jar, nothing fancy. An alternator that was half shot, and I even left the regulator in it after all, no need to take the thing apart when it still did what I needed it to, a big drill with an adjustable speed, an old analog signal generator that looked as if it had come off of a battle ship, 10 ft of wire, a handful of alligator clips, electrical tape, (bet you'd never guess that I also used) Duct tape, three light dimmer switches, a stun gun coil, you can buy a regular inductor coil at any electronics store, and some imagination, and silicone sealant. A book on electronics might help too. And safety first they do this stuff in schools, but we are talking next level peak efficiency here. It'll remove more than you eyebrows.

A few links / make up your own mind
http://cartalk.com/content/columns/Archive/2001/Ma rch/01.html (a link that talks about radio noise from alternators)
http://www.rexresearch.com/puharich/1puhar.htm (Puharich's work) http://www.rexresearch.com/meyerhy/meyerhy.htm ( Some of Meyer's work) http://www.familycar.com/Classroom/charging.htm (A short course on the alternator)
http://www.waterfuelcell.org/ (good videos, these are filled with clues that helped me immensely)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2445602063 454986281 (Meyer lecture pt1)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-830744751 4823199481 (Meyer lecture pt2)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-291235255 8373468441 (Meyer lecture pt3)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-353121090 9615191815 (Meyer lecture pt4)
http://www.richieburnett.co.uk/dcreschg.html (Meyer's inspiration for the VIC)
http://merlib.org/node/5247 (A compilation of Meyer's lectures)

Links to information on toroid coils and inductors
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_inductors_an d_transformers

http://www.estreetplastics.com/Acrylic_Tube_s/45. htm (cheapest acrylic cell tube I could find $20.00 for a 6" OD 23" long)
http://www.burnsstainless.com/304tubing/Straight30 4/straight304.html
(A good place to order stainless tubing)
http://www.thomasnet.com/products/tubing-stainless -steel-88672423-1.html
(Find a local SS supplier)
One other thing, Good luck!

Don't you love a good mystery? I know I do, the mystery here is if this is in fact an actual series of events and coincidences, or just pure conjecture and chicanery. Well dear friends, I urge you, and in fact dare you to try these methods and find out for yourself. If you are capable of completing the complex circuitry needed to control the variables on such a device but cannot build the actual cell, don't fear, people on the internet are selling HHO boosters by the ton, some at a very reasonable price. If you are just a regular guy like me putting one together is easy, making it work is easy, but an electrical engineer, or an electronics engineer will be required to make it work the way it is supposed to. Thanks for reading, and if nothing else maybe I have introduced you to something that makes you wonder. U.F.O's were getting boring anyway. Right?



In Memory of: Stanley Meyer, "Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition"