Автор Тема: намерено е Бъгиго на Стан Майер  (Прочетена 14344 пъти)


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намерено е Бъгиго на Стан Майер
« -: Август 19, 2008, 06:15:22 pm »
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темата като цяло е прегледана 5793 пъти и има 109 коментара.

Автор: Dynodon
"Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:36 am    Post subject: STANS BUGGY FOUND!!!!!   

I am pleased to say that I and another member from this group have found Stans Buggy.I have been talking to the owner for the past month.I have told Murry about this some time ago.I have been waiting to tell everyone this until the owner has had time for a buyer to come through with the funds to purchase it.He has been in talks with this group of buyers for months.
I have been trying to get the owner to let me see it,but he didn't want to show it to anyone while still working out a deal.

So where is it you ask!!
Right now I'm keeping this to myself.Right now the owner is waiting for a reply from this group of people to come in by the end of the week.

So what does this mean?!!
Anyone who was thinking of going to the Ohio WFC meeting this saturday the 16th,should make a point to go.It is there that I will be telling all the story.And for anyone who can't make it chech bach on sunday and I will tell everyone else where it is.

So whats going on with the buggy?!!!
Right now the owner is waiting for the money offered to appear.Whats on the table right now is an offer of $70k up front,and 30% of any profits made from any sales of the technologies from the buyers.So this is the present offer on the table right now.If anyone can offer better,than their offer will be looked at by the owner.If anyone wishes to make an offer to the owner,they can contact me and I will give you the contact information to get in touch with the owner.This is being done to keep everyone from bothering the owner with false offers.In short time I will let everyone know who the owner is and where the buggy goes if sold.

So what can we do right now?!!!
The owner is looking to sell everything he has in this deal.And he has everything too.This includes all of the original patents,documents ,demo cells,injector parts,all the tax returns for the Water Fuel Cell business.Filing cabinets full of pictures,documents,videos,you name it he has it.
If we as a group can come up with an offer or find an investor,than he would listen.He knows of our meeting this saturday and may be willing to show and tell,if there is an offer.He should have an answer from this other group before then.

Now to prove that I really am telling the truth,he sent me two pictures.I will try to attach them with this post.If I'm not able,I will email them to Murry and have him post them.The first one is of the buggy,and the second one is of the VIC coil box.He said that this was just the box,but he's not sure what goes in it.Because he has so many things and he's doesn't know anything about the systems.
He also states that he does not know if the buggy ever ran with the injector system.So he makes no claims on if it works or not.

More will come later so keep watching for updates."

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« Последна редакция: Август 19, 2008, 06:56:22 pm от mzk »