Автор Тема: Фокусирана ядрена реакция (focus fusion)  (Прочетена 12538 пъти)

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Фокусирана ядрена реакция (focus fusion)
« -: Януари 14, 2011, 09:53:15 am »
Фокусираната ядрене реакция (focus fusion) използва H2  и бор за производство на бързи електрони и Рентгенови лъчи. Отделя се и известно количество топлина. Произведените електрони се използват за зареждане на кондензатор а излъчването, което е 10000 пъти по - интензивно от слънчевото при достигане повърхността на Земята също ще може да се използва за генериране на енергия. Ето повече на англииски.

Focus Fusion

Focus Fusion is projected to be a safe, clean, easy, reliable energy solution that could provide electricity at a few tenths of a cent per kilowatt-hour.

Purports to be a far more feasible and profoundly less expensive approach to hot fusion, in contrast to what the international project (ITER) in France is pursuing. Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) is currently researching and developing the dense plasma focus (DPF) for hydrogen-boron nuclear fusion.

End product would be a 5 to 20 MW power plant the size of a gas station, which would cost between $200,000 and $300,000 to build. One person could operate two dozen such stations remotely.

On Dec. 18, 2008, LPP announced the initiation of a two-year-long experimental project to test the scientific feasibility of Focus Fusion, controlled nuclear fusion using the dense plasma focus (DPF) device and hydrogen-boron fuel. Hydrogen-boron fuel produces almost no neutrons and allows the direct conversion of energy into electricity. The goals of the experiment are first, to confirm the achievement the high temperatures first observed in previous experiments at Texas A&M University; second, to greatly increase the efficiency of energy transfer into the tiny plasmoid where the fusion reactions take place; third, to achieve the high magnetic fields needed for the quantum magnetic field effect which will reduce cooling of the plasma by X-ray emission; and finally, to use hydrogen-boron fuel to demonstrate greater fusion energy production than energy fed into the plasma (positive net energy production). [1]

The basic technology of LPP’s approach is covered by US Patent 7,482,607.

« Последна редакция: Януари 14, 2011, 12:16:43 pm от mzk »