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Otto`s TPU experiments
« -: Юли 24, 2008, 11:24:48 am »
Hello all,

Im Otto from overunity.com and this is my 1. post. Im living in Croatia, Forgive me my poor English because my language is Croatian and German but I hope you will understand me.

And I also hope that in your nice country are a few coil builders because its really not nice to work allone.

For my first post its enough.



  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #1 -: Юли 24, 2008, 12:06:27 pm »
Hello all,

I will try to post the picture of my newest TPU. Yes, I did it somehow.

The picture is "Cold TPU" and youre the first to see it.

The stainless steel core is not shown. The core is cutted in quarters.

Over this cores is a colltector of 9 turns lamp cable but connected in series, the 2 strands, so I have 18 turns lamp cable for my collector.

The coils are wound with a 0,35mm diameter copper wire. CW direction 40 turns, CCW 60 turns....this 60 turns are a long story....

The output transformer is from a blown PC power supply. Its always the biggest transformer in such a power supply.

Now the big surprise, at least for me:

When this TPU is pulsed, its COLD!!!! The controls are cold, the output transformer is cold and there is NO MAGNETIC FIELD!!!

I pulsed this TPU yesterday with a totally wrong frequency mix and from my power supply I got 20V and over 7 amperes!!! The TPU was cold!!!!

Now a question for all of you. Whats going on in my TPU???

I know there will be questions. Im here.


Altium: I have removed the wrong picture.
You can change your post, remove pics, add new pics, etc. from "Modify", "Additional Options...", "Attach file" or remove tick opposite of attached filename.
« Последна редакция: Юли 25, 2008, 12:10:19 pm от altium »


  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #2 -: Юли 25, 2008, 09:42:05 am »
Hello all,


first I have to say that I posted a WRONG picture, so please forgive me!!! My fault. Maybe you can remove this picture??

As its Friday I will work on my TPU all the weekend and on Monday I will have my newest TPU. WITHOUT A CORE!!!

As Im working over 2 years on it I have every Monday at least 1 new TPU, every time a better one. So I wound over 100 of them. I dont see another solution to solve the TPU secret.

About my 40/60 turns:

Im working with a nice man and he said a week ago: try CW and CCW wound controls and maybe different coil lenghts. It was just a guess from him.

So I builded a TPU with ALL coils 40 turns. I knew this was wrong but I wanted to know why different coil lenghts!

I connected the coils and saw the usual, normal signals. Then I pulsed my TPU with only 1 frequency of 5 - 10 HZ. With a little magnet in my fingers I strived over the controls and saw that the CW wound coils had a stronger magnetic field then the CCW wound controls. My guess was that the CW controls had a 50% stronger magnetic field.


Then I googled "earths magnetic field" and saw the pictures of our planet and the magnetic field around it. Then I wanted to see where my town, Zagreb, is. Its exact on the half way between the equator and the North pole, 45°North.

Ha, my guess about a 50% stronger magnetic field in my CW wound coils was OK!! So I wound 40 turns CW and added 50% to the CCW turns and now I hope!! to have the same strenght of the magnetic field in all my controls.

As we all?? dont have much money so I cant buy the needed equipment for my work and so I have to "feel" a magnetic field and cant measure it. Sorry.



  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #3 -: Юли 25, 2008, 01:13:44 pm »
Hello all,

now a try to post the right picture.


Edit: now its OK, finally.

You see that Im first pulsing the collector and when the particles are accelerated the reach, from the horizontal direction, the CW wound control coil that is in the vertical direction. This is a big stress for the particles. "Particles" because I dont want to say atoms, neutrons, electrons....or whatever. I cant see them so they are "particles" for me.

« Последна редакция: Юли 25, 2008, 01:17:52 pm от otto »

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Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #4 -: Юли 26, 2008, 09:23:48 pm »
Hello Otto! I am very happy to see you here and I am welcoming you in our forum.
I believe every one of us can help each other in our general aim and dream - give the world better energy future and not only, but feel the
pleasure of the success- let's have the free energy device in your hands.

I think these days I'll have enough time for experimenting with your device and I hope to achieve almost the same results.
What impresses me in this TPU is the fact it remains cold when working, this little or more make me suggest that there is some difference
in the time flow (I am not sure you'll understand me fully, so please ask me if it is not clear), and not only- i think there are some gravity
abnormalities. I'll be very happy if you can get the exact weight of your TPU before starting it and when it is working, and put a clock inside the TPU
and a second clock sidelong. Then after some hours (for example) you can compare the two clocks and find if the one gets quicker than the other.
More accurate measures you may examine with two quartz generators with higher frequency which are switching off each other (not sure for
the translation) and one of this quartz resonators is inside the center of the TPU. When difference in the time flow occurs, then they will fight in between,
this can be noticed with a loudspeaker.
Something what I am thinking about are the biffilar coils and there, even if smaller amount of current,  there is smaller resistance, and the
speed of the electrons is bigger, like in pulse mode this speed may be over the speed of light because the magnetic field is excluded, but exactly
this magnetic field act as a brake and resistance for the ambient vacuum-ether in relation to the electrons movement. By the
super-fast over-the-speed-of-light impulse jumps/kicks of the electrons- there is established field of negative time flux and other abnormalities, which I believe you have seen already.
I believe these weeks I will experiment in this direction with the TPU.

Best wishes,


  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #5 -: Юли 28, 2008, 07:16:26 am »
Hello all,


thanks for your kind words.

I fully agree with your words.

First I have to say that Im weekends NOT posting because Im building TPUs and I dont have much time for my PC.

I like the idea with the 2 clocks but I have first to complete my TPU and then I can try your idea.

This weekend I wound a TPU without a core. Only copper wire.

First I made a collector with 1 turn, diameter 6" and then a collector diameter 4". I mean, I have 2 collectors.

Then I wound a CW control coil 40 turns and a control coil CCW 60 turns connected the 2 controls in series and pulsed them. Everything COLD!!!!

This means:

4 control coils wound CW = hot coils
4 control coils wound CCW = hot coils
2 control coils wound CW and 2 controls wound CCW and the 4 controls connected in a mixed way - CW + CCW + CW + CCW = cold coils.

It seems that we are playing with the time, gravity field - earths magnetic field....

I can only agree with your post. I see it in the same way.

After I finished my 4 controls I connected them and got a very bright light without the load coils. Just a collector and control coils.

Then I wound yesterday another TPU:

Bifilar control coils but the trigger coil has a 0,35mm wire diameter and the load coil has a 0,5mm diameter. I connected the trigger coil in series for the pulses and the load coil was connected in halfes: 2 load coils + 2 load coils in series and then parallel to the output transformer.

What a DISASTER!!! The bulb only glowing!! All coils HOT!!! When the coils get hot its a sign for me that something is wrong. Something is wound in a contra direction.

It seems that the load coils have to be wound in a contra direction to the controls.

This would mean: control wound CW, load coil wound CCW over the control coil. Im not sure because I didnt try it but I will.

Since I have my cold coils Im thinking about building again a ECD TPU. The biggest problem in the ECD was the heat inside the coils. As I now dont have anymore heat....and I still think the ECD was the best TPU seen on the net. From the power supply I needed only 12V!!! and had a very bright light wothout an output transformer. If I would build this TPU, cold coils, output transformer...hmmmm....



  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #6 -: Юли 29, 2008, 07:49:49 am »
Hello all,


What a nice picture in colour!!! Really nice.

Maybe I have to build the coils in this natural golden ratio. I think they would work.

ECD = Energy Conversion Device

We cant create energy, we can only convert it.

What are we converting? The aether energy, the energy that is all around us but we are to stupid to use this energy!!! Yes, hard words but this are FACTS!!

I dont know how my new ECD will work because the original had 3 controls and now I need 4 of them to have cold coils but my feeling says me that I have to build one.

A long time ago I had a TPU where I could have 1 hot control and 3 cold controls or 2 hot + 2 cold controls or...but nobody was interested in my setup so I dont even have a drawing how I made this. I remember, it was only the way I connected the coils.



  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #7 -: Юли 30, 2008, 08:04:39 am »
Hello all,

this morning I pulsed only my 1 turn collector made with lamp wire. I used 2 or 3 frequencies.

Result: a very good light.

From the power supply 2 or 3A at 24V.

But there is a "problem": again, a cold collector!! At totally wrong frequency mixes the power supply showes me 20V/over 6A, a bad light and again a cold collector. The otput transformer is also cold.

Now the question again: where are the 100W or more from the power supply???

So, @altium, if you want to replicate, do just this test. A 40cm long lamp cable, form a loop and pulse it.
The other side of the loop is conected to 1 side of the primary of the output transformer. The other side of the primary is connected to the +24V.
On the secondary is the bulb.

Without an old transformer from an blown PC power supply its impossible to get a light, or the bulb will only glow.


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Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #8 -: Ноември 24, 2008, 07:54:48 pm »
Да само това не се бях сетил за колектор да ползвам феритна антена от старо радио.
По-скоро ме беше страх да си помисля за такова нещо защото ферита е добър ГАСИТЕЛ на токове на Фуко, обаче не е температурно стабилен.
 послеслов размисли
А къде отиде правилото на Ленц, мисля че така се казваше човека, да ме поправи някои ако бъркам.
« Последна редакция: Ноември 27, 2008, 10:51:09 pm от lz1ico »

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Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #9 -: Декември 03, 2008, 12:42:36 pm »
Hello Otto!

I try mostly you wiring circuits of the TPU. Theey are not really working as TPU, we are a
simply paralel LC resonator. Capacity is consistent of transistors (and reverse connected diod integrated on transistors).
With fertyt and 12Vdc power supply on resonanse frequens i have CUA (Coefficient usefful action) about 0.7 - 0.9. I have High voltage short pulses - about 600-700V (they are damage your scope and another equpment). All most scops are supports max. voltage (with 10MOhm sounds) about 300Vpp. I measure this hight voltage with rectifier dridge maked from fast doodes and filter capacitator. With pulse transformer from ATX this voltage is converted to 70-80V, but the current is very  low.Problem is not on coils construction on the TPU, it is on electronic device and true
frequenses (No chance this device is patented, but coil configuration is not(openly it si very, very simple))I have 4 photos (improved quality from oficial SM demonstation videos) on the SM TPU prototyp,from my frend lzico (he have similarity results to my with your tpu coil configuration):

I thing, right way is high fequences (about 100-200Mhz). See SM tpu consit a coils with

small count turns => they use very hight frequences.
Right now i not have Hight freq. generator.

Otto, wiith all my respect to you, but you are choise a wrong way to make TPU!
EDIT: Excuse my very bad english. ;)

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Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #10 -: Декември 03, 2008, 06:03:41 pm »
Translation to Bulgarian language:

Здравей Ото!

Аз съм пробвал повечето ти схеми на TPU. Те не работят като TPU, те са просто паралелен LC трептящ кръг. Капацитета се съдържа в  транзисторите (и обратните диоди вградени в тях).
Когато ползвам ферит и 12V постоянно захрамващо напрежение при резонансната честота имам КПД около 0.7 - 0.9. Получават се кратки импулси с голям размах - около 600 - 700V(това е повредило осцилоскопа ти и другото ти обурудване). Повечето осцилоскопи поддържат до 300V пик до пик с 10 МегаОма сонда. Аз измервам напреженията през грец от бързи диоди и през филтров кондензатор. Ползвайки импулсния трансформатор от компютърно захранване преобразувах високите напрежения в напрежения 70-80V, но тока е  много малък.
Проблема не е в конструкцията на намотките на TPU-то, ами  в електронната схема и правилните честоти (неслучайно то е патентовано, за разлика от констукцията на намотките). Имам 4 снимки (с пддобрено качество от официалните демонстрационни видеота) на прототипа на TPU-то на Стивън Марк, от lz1co (той има подобни резултати на моите с твойта конфигурация на намотките):

Аз мисля, че правилния начин са високите честоти (около 100-200MHz). Вижте TPU-то на Стивън Марк, че съдържа намотки с малко намотки => се използват високи честоти.
В момента нямам генератор на високи честоти.
Ото, с цялото ми уважение, но мисля че ти си избрал герешен път за реализация на TPU,
« Последна редакция: Декември 03, 2008, 06:14:48 pm от Radko »


  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #11 -: Декември 05, 2008, 07:49:47 am »
Hello all,


yes youre right. If we look at the open TPU we can see 22 turns of lamp wire wound over a core. We dont know whats the core material.
I have to say that Im using a Metglas core and I dont think the people can buy such a core.

In the past I made every week 1 TPU. Some of them workig good, others not so good.....always missing something.

A long time ago I realized that the coils are NOT sooo important. Everything "around" a TPU is important: the way of pulsating, the feedback, the mechanical construction.....a lot of factors are involved.

I dont agree with using higher frequencies. We know the frequencies: 245kHz and 35kHz and they are OK.
Hmmm... every single TPU will have his frequency because every builded TPU will have different coil lenghts, circumference....So, this 2 frequencies are only as a guide.

Let us discuss something else: SM used tubes. We know why but we dont know HOW!!!

I want to start a discussion how a tube works, that a tube is better then a MOSFET.....we  know this.

I want a discussion about how SM connected a tube to a TPU. Maybe you have an idea?? And after we figure that out we can discuss how to replace a tube with a MOSFET. What property has a tube and the MOSFET not?


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Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #12 -: Декември 05, 2008, 10:20:49 am »
Tubes are faster than a MOSFET?
And can attain higher frequencies maybe. I mean lower DTC and sharpen pulses.

I don't know why nobody discuss the radiant energy prerequisites -> high frequency, sharp pulses, only one pole (e.g. AC will not work here).

I have a friend who has done successful experiments with two car ignition coils (wireless electricity transmission). He has not measured the COP right now, but this type of transmission has no Lenz effect.
As far as I know, these are not EM (electromagnetic) waves, but some other sort (electrostatic or electrogravitational waves !)

PS: Otto, I agree with your last considerations about the coil-form. I mean it may be really important that the coil form is non-linear (eg. cone, pancake or something else).
« Последна редакция: Декември 05, 2008, 10:26:23 am от mzk »


  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #13 -: Декември 25, 2008, 01:36:31 am »
Ако ще ползвате MOSFET транзистори  за по висока честота, трябват ви специални схеми на управление на гейта.
Входния капацитет на мощните MOSFET транзистори е 1-5 нанофарада и управляващия ток способен да запуши и отпуши транзистора е от порядка на 2-4 Ампера.
TC4420CP е схема специално разработена за случая с изход до 6А. http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/75053/MICROCHIP/TC4420CPA.html   
Продава се в Комет

Не бива с писането на английски за което се извиняавм на автора.
Sorry, I can't write in english.
For hi frecuency MOSFET transistors need more curency to drive the Gate about 2-4 Ampers.


  • Гост
Re: Otto`s TPU experiments
« Отговор #14 -: Октомври 07, 2009, 11:31:44 am »
Hello all,

Im here again after a long time.

Maybe you should look into the Steven Marks thread and see how I solved the TPU problem.

The name of the thread is "Steven Marks secret".

Have fun and USE my informations.
