Автор Тема: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт  (Прочетена 11755 пъти)

Неактивен mzk

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Hi all ,

I found many differences on the web ...but never mind :


42712.2Hz: Keely's water-disintegration frequency -> Laughing you're dead
42800 Hz: Aetheric dissociation/water resonance (water -> aetheric force)

Meyer Stanley / Dan Danforth :

43430 Hz 143762 HZ
1st 21715 HZ 1st 71881 HZ
2nd 14476.67 HZ 2nd 47920.67 HZ
3rd 15517.5 HZ 3rd 35840.1 HZ
4th 8686 4th 28752.4 HZ


I found these values very interresting to test.



Неактивен mzk

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Re: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт
« Отговор #1 -: Декември 28, 2007, 02:37:34 pm »
Потърсих информация за тези 1500 волта, но никъде не намерих. В крайна сметка установих източника: http://www.rexresearch.com/meyerhy/meyerhy.htm

Понеже нямам какво да правя взех тези субхармонични честоти, за да видя на какво точно отговарят- разделих вторите на първите и се получи 3,31. Не какво означава и дали има някакъв смисъл, просто си смятам.

by Dan Danforth

In the original setup that Stan Meyer showed us, he used 36 volts as the basic potential applied to the reaction chamber. He also commented that stainless steel ( 410 not 403 ) was the only metal that could be used as oxides formed with all others. His original chamber used 18 inch long by 0.375 inch diameter (o.d.) rod surrounded by 1 inch diameter (i.d.) 16 inch long pipe. The reason for the difference in length is for mechanical ease of construction. My prototype used 14 inch long rod and 12 inch long pipe of similar diameters as the drawing indicates.

Having a severe lack of parts diversity here in Sri-Lanka, I was only able to obtain a 24 volt. 8 amp transformer and built my circuitry around that. The final output is 20 volts with Ml reading 10 amps to the pulsing circuit which generates a symetricel squarewave ( 50% duty cycle ) to the flyback inductor connected in series with the chamber as the schematic shows. The flyback high voltage spike is directed across the chamber via c* end d*. The use of a high voltage spike alone, without the current being delivered through the liquid, will not cause the disassociation to take place. This I verified using an ignition coil in place of the inductor and applied the secondary with halfwave rectification and blocking capacitor to prevent burn out to the chamber with no results. Apparently the current in the water aligns the molecules approprately to allow the high voltege spike to do its workr which in my opinion is the stimulation of molecular resonance. Once Stan's unit was made to begin breakdown (which takes 6 to 8 seconds) he was able to reduce both current and voltage to miniscule proportions. I attribute this to sympathetic oscillation of the aligned molecules, requiring very little in the way of additional excitation. A phenomena akin to Tesla's super resonance... resulting in Stan discovering that he only had to supply three pulses in ten to satisfy the requirement of the chamber. I have not yet had the opportunity to duplicate this portion of the experiment but, in time I vill.

Duplication of the device described in these pages, however, will produce the phenomena and hopefully launch other enterprising end inventive souls on to designing their own refined models. It would be nice to have feedback so that we can all collectively work to bring about the transition to non-pollution energy.

P.S.- Though electrical circuit is by no means optinised, but represents instead the result of parts availability here. Any good technician could improve on it quite readily.

There are two primary frequencies that produce the best results. They are: 14,372 Hz and 43,430 Hz. The former is about 50% more efficient, but it seems that just about any frequency between 9 KHz and 143,762 KHz works quite well. (1) This is because the nature of the wave form ( a spike ) is rich in harmonics and one of them is bound to be close to one of the two primary frequencies.

Use of permanent magnets may also increase efficiency. I'll give you the outcome of that attempt in my next letter along with the plans for what I hope to be a much improved version.

Note: Sub-harmonics of the two primary frequencies at which dissociation will occur:

43430 Hz                         143762 HZ
1st  21715  HZ                 1st  71881  HZ
2nd  14476.67 HZ             2nd  47920.67 HZ
3rd  15517.5  HZ              3rd  35840.1  HZ
4th  8686                           4th  28752.4  HZ


Source publication: Unknown... Scanned from very bad photocopy.

Неактивен mzk

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Re: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт
« Отговор #2 -: Декември 28, 2007, 03:29:16 pm »

An interesting phenomenon, that may very well tie into the OU discoveries.

Mechanical excitation of water using supersonics. Produces light!!! Some claim HUGE power generation due to the short time duration -picoseconds- Temperatures from 10,000 degrees Celsius, and possibly a temperature in excess of one million degrees Celsius. (see more refs bellow) What is very interesting is the following:
The phenomenon starts taking place according to this chart ( http://www.sonoluminescence.com/sl_data4.gif) around 28755 Hz looking at the charts published with peak outputs just a bit higher 28815Hz. (Other sources indicate frequencies closer to 25kHz)

The interesting part is the frequencies were the Stanley Meyer Water cell also seems to operate the best!

Take a look 4th high Subharmonic frequency.  The 4th is just about the same where the phenomenon starts. I wonder if a cell is designed to combine these two phenomena, what would be the result, e.g. using both same resonants, and/or varying the phases etc.!!!

The numbers are just too close, or it's a heck of a coincidence?

"There are two primary frequencies that produce the best results. They are: 14,372 Hz and 43,430 Hz. The former is about 50% more efficient, but it seems that just about any frequency between 9 KHz and 143,762 KHz works quite well. (1) This is because the nature of the wave form ( a spike ) is rich in harmonics and one of them is bound to be close to one of the two primary frequencies.

43430 Hz                         143762 HZ
1st  21715  HZ                 1st  71881  HZ
2nd  14476.67 HZ             2nd  47920.67 HZ
3rd  15517.5  HZ              3rd  35840.1  HZ
4th  8686                           4th  28752.4  HZ



More on Sonoluminescence
http://www-phys.llnl.gov/N_Div/sonolum/    (temp refs)

How to make your own?

sonofusion million degrees on the desktop

Out of curiosity Anyone with Tesla coils experience, what kind of frequencies do they operate best?


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Re: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт
« Отговор #3 -: Ноември 29, 2009, 04:29:29 pm »
Ravi :

"Water resonates at 926khz"



 This is first harmonic?

Это първа гармоника резонанса?

Неактивен mzk

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Re: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт
« Отговор #4 -: Ноември 29, 2009, 10:46:26 pm »
Hello, you can type in English (or Russian, but I do not understand it clearly), don't worry.

Tell us more about your electrolisys cell. I don't know about magic frequency, I do not believe fully.


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Re: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт
« Отговор #5 -: Декември 07, 2009, 08:37:55 pm »
Ок , я понимаю болгарский, но  пишу на нем ужасно(слишком неграмотно)
Я пока делаю по схеме Dave Lauton  и Ravi , основанной на резонансе Stan Meier. Пока никаких сверхединичных эффектов не наблюдается - обычный  электролиз. Частоту импульсов пока использую 926 кГц, промежуток между сериями  импульсов примерно в 150 кгц.

Но это в другой теме

Ок, I understand Bulgarian, but I write on it terribly (too illiterately)
I while do under circuit design Dave Lauton and Ravi, grounded on resonance Stan Meier. While any overrunity effects it is not observed - a usual electrolysis. An impulse frequency while I use 926 Khz, a gap approximately in 150 кгц.

But it in other theme

Неактивен mzk

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Re: Доста информация за разлагане на водата в един сайт
« Отговор #6 -: Декември 07, 2009, 11:01:46 pm »
Hello AlchemyAsterix!

You can see Andrija Puharich for more detailed information about Stanley Meyer (I think Stanley Meyer has copied a lot of the Puharich's work).
Here I have wrote tutorial (in bulgarian) about the different types of electrolisys, it may be useful for you: http://mazeto.net/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=614.0;attach=5322

I do not believe there is magic frequency of resonance of the water molecule. However I believe there is "scalar resonance". It's about very complicated transformator used with the water fuel cell (series electrolyser). Look for Bob Boyce.

In your case it may be useful to make some bifillar coils, there are interesting effects, but too complicated. If it is about specific frequency of the water, it should be impedance matched. This is entire new look for electrolysis (as Bob Boyce says: not your father's electrolysis).

Send me personal message if you want to discuss this theory.
Finally, since I can't help with something now, try the combinations of bifillar coils in series with the cell. I recommend to wind tesla-type bifillar (two inductors- the second is feed with the end of the first- start-end-start-end). It may be pankake, but easier is to wind cone (I believe it may be more effective). Or in last case solenoid coils. You can find it's resonance (this type of coil has much bigger capacitance!- stored energy). For air-coil it has resonance under 1 MHz, compared to HF ferittes.  :o Now you can connect it in series. It is interesting to pulse the coil with frequency 1.5 times greater than the resonance fequency. Unfortunately there are too much questions. I have some view, but not sure.

Good luck!