Hello AlchemyAsterix!
You can see Andrija Puharich for more detailed information about Stanley Meyer (I think Stanley Meyer has copied a lot of the Puharich's work).
Here I have wrote tutorial (in bulgarian) about the different types of electrolisys, it may be useful for you:
http://mazeto.net/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=614.0;attach=5322I do not believe there is magic frequency of resonance of the water molecule. However I believe there is "scalar resonance". It's about very complicated transformator used with the water fuel cell (series electrolyser). Look for Bob Boyce.
In your case it may be useful to make some bifillar coils, there are interesting effects, but too complicated. If it is about specific frequency of the water, it should be impedance matched. This is entire new look for electrolysis (as Bob Boyce says: not your father's electrolysis).
Send me personal message if you want to discuss this theory.
Finally, since I can't help with something now, try the combinations of bifillar coils in series with the cell. I recommend to wind tesla-type bifillar (two inductors- the second is feed with the end of the first- start-end-start-end). It may be pankake, but easier is to wind cone (I believe it may be more effective). Or in last case solenoid coils. You can find it's resonance (this type of coil has much bigger capacitance!- stored energy). For air-coil it has resonance under 1 MHz, compared to HF ferittes.

Now you can connect it in series. It is interesting to pulse the coil with frequency 1.5 times greater than the resonance fequency. Unfortunately there are too much questions. I have some view, but not sure.
Good luck!