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CoilGun и други подобни устройства

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"Осмокласник създаде оръжие на бъдещето
Изглежда лесно, ама частите са много скъпи.  Идеята е проста - максимално бързо да се разреди зареден кондензатор в бобина и всичката натрупана енергия в кондензатора Е=(C*U^2)/2[J], да се превърне в механична сила, електромагнит - задвижващ мини снаряда. Състои се основно от един сборен кондензатор наречен "кондензаторна батерия" с голям капацитет и високо работно напрежение U>=450V, който се зарежда за известно време от маломощна батерийка 9V например. Докато натрупа достатъчно енергия Е=(C*U^2)/2[J]. Която енергия се изпразва от кондензатора в малка индуктивност L, на която Бобинка (индуктивност) вместо сърцевина е сложен един пирон в пластмасова или стъклена тръбичка, така че да се привлече от бобината-електромагнит. За да се изстреля с висока скорост, като куршум.
 Както сте забелязали има две разновидности с бобина около цевта (Coilgun) и с директно подаване на напрежението върху "куршума" (Railgun) в случая с бобина може да се ползва гвоздей, на който е отрязана главичката. Защото "куршума" в тоя случай трябва да е от феромагнитен материал.
 И така, за да се направи най-просто, е необходима кондензаторна батерия с голям капацитет и високо работно напрежение!!! и тригерен ключов елемент - мощен високоволтов Тиристор, с който да се затваря за момент веригата, както и схема на преобразовател повишаващ напрежението на батерийката и зареждащ кондензаторите в батерията от кондензатори. Може да се добави и индикатор на заряда със светодиодна стъпбица, както е показано на видеото.
 Най-изгодно е да се направи паралелно свързване на множество по-евтини кондензатори с по-малък капацитет с високо работно напрежение (колкото повече толкова повече на квадрат енергия) с цел да се получи по-голям капацитет. И друго, за предпочитане е по-добре много паралелно свързани кондензатори вместо един с голям капацитет. Така огромните токове се разпределят между отделните кондензатори и това е по-добре за живота на кондензаторите.

Ето какво представлява една примерна конструкция на едностепенен (single stage) GaussGun.

--- Цитат на: electroshok ---Конденсаторы - общая емкость 2240мкФ (4 по 560) на напряжение 450вольт. Samwha 105 (Заряжать можно до 470-490). Катушка 200 витков провод 1мм. Длина 3см. Внешний диаметр 2см (по середине катушки) катушка не совем цилиндрическая. намотана на латунную трубку от антенны внешним диаметром внутренний диаметр 6,3мм. Калибр пули 6мм длина 25-27мм. (заточенный гвоздь). Мощность выстрела заметно зависит от растояния на которое вдвинута пуля в катушку перед выстрелом. Тут надо по эксперементировать чтобы добится лучшего результата. Максимальный достигнутая мощность - пробитые навылет банка от кофе,почти три пивные банки поставленные друг за другом.(две на вылет, пуля остается внутри третей). В доску входит на 6 - 8мм.
Главный недостаток - нестабтльность полета. На растояннии 4- 5 метров пуля попадает часто плашмя.- Кувыркается в полете. (впрочем даже попав боком пуля пробивает навылет одну банку пива).
 акумы для зарядки кондеров? я использую батарею из 10пальчиковых аккумов по 1300мАч.
--- Край на цитат ---
Източник: http://forum.cxem.net/index.php?showtopic=34345&st=0

Или четете книжките и действате:
Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius на Руски
MORE Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius

от поредицата: Evil Genius (book series)

А ето още няколко резултата от търсачката на руски:
http://gauss2k.narod.ru/ Электромагнитное оружие
http://www.foar.ru/ ФОрум АРсенала
http://www.coilgun.ru/indexe.htm Pskov 1100. True coilgun pistol.

Ако желаете да споделите, какво сте направили и постигнали, какви резултати и т.н.

Само внимавайте да не свършите, като Dr. Gerald Bull и неговия последен проект Babylon. Вече има и филм Doomsday Gun

--- Цитат на: The circuit of Coilgun Pistol Pskov 1100 ---VCIRCUIT.GIF - full circuit image
PCB.ZIP - PCB layout (ExpressPCB) in small zip-file NOTE! Redesign PCB layouts for your components dimensions.
Link to free PCB layout software ExpressPCB

Coilgun "Pskov 1100" circuit description.

 The DC/DC converter is a common one-act backward converter, which is operated by a separate generator. I would like to remind you about the main piquancy of the backward conversion: in a design like this the voltage when going out doesn't depend on a transformation coefficient. But the transformation coefficient has an influence on switching peak voltages during the first coil, which are converted from the second coil in the opposite direction, so don't use transformers with too little coefficient, otherwise there would be too high pulsed voltage in the first chain.

 This pulsed voltage should be overpowered by snub chains. The power discharging on the cells of these chains is wasted. In my design a part of power from the snub chains D1, C6, R3 is used as a power supply for oscillator chip A1. So, the converter is started with power voltage at about 6 Volts and then the power voltage of the chip is set at the level of 15 Volts, which is necessary for quick turning-on and turning-off the key of MOSFET semiconductor Q1. The overstepping of IC power voltage over accumulator voltage is limited by Zener diode D2 (8.2V 1.3W). Such a design increases a little bit an efficiency of the DC/DC converter and also assumes an employment of a comparatively low voltage of the accumulator battery.

 The employment of a leading oscillator in contradistinction to the using of auto oscillate circuit designs makes it possible to get stable current of consumption and power not depending on charge degree of high voltage capacitors. Such a solution decreases charging-time of condensers in comparison with an auto oscillator. According to the pin 4 of the IC A1 the converter switches off when voltage of condenser reaches 800 Volts. According to the 5th pin of the IC A1 there occurs the operation of the frequency of conversion.

 If the battery discharge is below the quota, the converter frequency increases three times, which leads to a decrease of a consumed power.

 Such a solution conduces to sparing duty of functioning of the batteries, by reducing the consumed power as the battery discharges. A converter transistor is set on a small radiator, and a ferrite bead covers the pin of the gate.

 A control unit is fully made with transistors, without using chips. Circuit designs of the control unit are classified as the special ones and are extremely reliable. The control unit isn't sensitive to interference in the power circuit, that allows not use large capacitors or stabilizers in the conditions of a combined power of both control unit and a converter unit, by one power supply. In general, the DC/DC converter, consuming a DC current about 2 Amps (the current is consumed by impacts with an amplitude at about 7 Amps), gives high interference in the power circuit.

 The voltage of capacitor is controlled by a neon bulb. The main drawback of the neon bulb - high hysteresis - is overcome by using resistor R5, with high resistance, and the chains R6, R7, C9. If the bulb is lighted, the current that goes through it reduces the voltage of the bulb almost up to the mark of switching the bulb off. A small additional reduction of the controllable voltage would immediately cause switching the bulb off and resumption of the DC/DC converter functioning.

 In the perfect design the converter should be turned on about every 5 seconds on a shirt time, keeping up the capacitor voltage of 800 Volts. With every turning of the DC/DC converter on a blue LED D6 fades and then glows again with the full charge voltage on the capacitors.

 There is a circuit of power voltage control made on the transistors Q3, Q4. If the power voltage reduces up to 6 Volts, a red LED D7 lights, and the converter is put on the duty of lower power. Besides, the current consumed by the converter reduces, and the voltage of the batteries increases a bit, which leads to the turning of the converter into the original duty of normal power. So, when the batteries are almost used up, the red LED D7 is flashing approximately once in two seconds, and the converter works by turns first on complete, then on lower power.

 With further discharge of the accumulator battery the converter more and more time works in the duty of lower power, until finally completely goes over to this duty. In addition, the red LED D7 would be constantly switched on, which points to the necessity of charging the batteries. At this moment it is still possible to conduct one or two shots more, but there would be just a minute between these shots, instead of usual 22-25 seconds, also deep discharge isn't useful for the batteries.

 A current emitter for laser diode D10 is assembled on the transistor Q5.

 A green LED D9 is a current stabilizer, simultaneously it performs the function of power ON indicator.

 The availability of the projectiles is represented by a LED D11, which is operated by a switch sensor.

 In addition I would like to draw your attention one more time to the very high stability of the suggested design against all the sorts of false effects, interference and other unfavorable factors.

 Pulsing transformer is made out of common small ferrite choking coil, there is an insulate pipe over it and also one more coil is wound over all of these.

 The sensor of bullet position is a ferrite rod, 2,5 mm in diameter, 10 mm long, which is covered with 3 layers of copper wire of 0,1 mm in diameter. The sensor should be phased in a right way (the ends should be changed, if it doesn't work).

Small F.A.Q.
2)Where did you get the casing for the gun?
This (black) plastic case glued from many pieces of plastic. I get old printer (Epson) and cut printer's case to pieces. And glued. And made grey case. And paint modern cover with my friend - he is car painter. I use my old printer epson stylus 200 but it is no important. I searched any plastic thickness 2-2,5 mm. The magazine glued from pieces of plastic too. You can use any plastic as have.
3)How do you build your pulse transformer? (I see that you have included a drinking straw)
I use ferrit drossel (usualy from small DC motors filter). This drossel has one-layer coil and ferrit pipe core with two axial pin. I turned second one-layer coil. The turns ratios per side are one to one.
Some comments about circuit: Capacitance without mark is microfarade. Example 2.2 is 2,2 microfarades. Resistors witout mark have values in Ohms. Example 130 is 130 Ohms.
Diode: I use very usable diodes. 25 Amps 1400 Volts as bypass diode for main coil.
The SCRs 25 Amps 1200 Volts. Don't all type of SCRs working correct. I write about it in my site. You can try use 25TTS16. Diode marked KD212 is quick impulse diode. Like using for any DC/DC converter. This is hooting.
KD510 any small impulse diode. KC482 is Zenner diode 8,2 Volts 1,5 Watts. This is hooting. I use metallic case model. 3102 and 3107 is any very usable n-p-n and p-n-p transistors.
Added capacitors (47uF x 400V) are quality but usable.
Main capacitors are special. They are hi-quility industrial grade photoflash capacitors. The capacitors can give high impulse current without damage and has low inductance and resistance too. One capacitor from my gun can work with 0,5 Ohm active load long time. You can searching similar by Cornell Dubilier or RIFA. They are very known producers and they have some good capacitors. And 198PHR-SI series capacitors from Vishay BCcomponents will work OK. In 2004 EPCOS annonced new capacitors series for photoflash applications with snap-in and solder lug terminals: B43415 and B43416. They are very good capacitors for coilgun making.
Main coil has 310-320 turns wire diameter 2 x 0,6 mm (one 0,85mm or pair 0,6mm). I have many 0,6mm wire and use pair instead 0,85 mm. This is hooting.
Sensor has 3 layer wire diameter 0,1 mm. Sensor has ferrit core diameter 2,5 mm length 10 mm.
4)I like to know to me that characteristics or speaks have the transistors of the control unit.
n-p-n: BC546, BC547, 2N5088, 2N5089 ...
p-n-p: BC556, BC557, 2N5086, 2N5087 ...
5)What type of coil is the dc/dc and the T2 (turn and layers)?
The transformer in the DC/DC converter has ferrite caps core one inch diameter. First coil has 10 turns of 0,6 mm wire and second coil has 400 turns of 0,15 mm wire. Ferrite caps core has small non magnetic clearance (about 0,1 mm).
6) For more high efficiency DC/DC converter must has driver beetween 555 out and IFRZ44 gate pin. I recomended add two transistor: npn and pnp like show on pic in red. DC/DC Add
And good equipment like digital storage scope will need for you too.
And be careful with high voltage and shoting

(c) Evgenij Vasiljev, June 2003.

The description of V-switch and principles of its work.

 As a key of commutation of current in a coil I use a usual silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR). It has some advantages compared to MOSFET, IGBT and other power semiconductors.

 They are low price, small size, a huge overload power, one more advantage is that a big amount of power can be switched or controlled using a small triggering current or voltage. A small SCR intended for direct current 25 amps by a short impulse continuing 10 ms can sustain a current up to 350 amps.

  In the coil the impulse is even shorter  a bit more than 1 ms and the current 400 amps doesn't cause destruction of SCR.

 The main drawback of SCR is impossibility of switching it off by means of control electrode. I obviate this difficulty with the help of a specially designed scheme V-switch.

 Compared to the usual scheme with a capacitor and SCR, the scheme V-switch is supplied with one smaller capacitor and SCR. Additional capacity is chosen approximately from 1/15 till 1/10 value of the main capacitor. I use equal thyristors: intended for direct current 25 amps and voltage 1400 volts.

 In the initial state the main capacitor 600 uF and additional one 47 uF are charged till the equal voltage +800 volts. In the moment of a shot the trigger mechanism slightly pushes the projectile in the coil, and the switcher of the shot sends the operating impulse to the main SCR through pulsing transformer. Pulsing transformer is ideally suitable for application in a coilgun, as it has low resistance and protects SCR from false actions.

  The thyristor turns-on, and current in the coil starts to grow smooth, as usual. I select an inductance of the coil the way that by the moment when the projectile is pulled fully into the coil the current already achieves the maximum and starts slowly falling down. By that moment the voltage in the main capacitor is reduced till around +300 volts.

Position sensor

 In the usual scheme the current keeps falling down slowly (as it is shown by red dotted line in the diagram at the bottom of the picture). Magnetic field doesn't have time to stop and doesn't let the projectile fly out from the coil - and a "suck-back effect" appears.

 V-switch works in a different way.

V-switch has an inductive sensor for the purpose of controlling the position of the projectile. In the moment of a shot the magnetic field of the main coil partly penetrates into the core of the sensor because the projectile closes the area of magnetic way.

Just before the moment when the projectile pulling completely into the coil the end of the projectile passes by the sensor, the magnetic field in the core stops abruptly , and this causes the impulse of the current in the sensors output.
W-Switch circuit  This impulse will open an additional SCR and an additional capacitor will be connected up to the coil, while it is not yet completely discharged. Moreover the capacitor has small capacity that's why it discharges very quickly but during the time of its discharging the main SCR closes. It is achieved due to the difference in voltage between the discharged main capacitor and an extra capacitor that only starts discharging.

 Not every thyristor is suitable for work in the scheme V-switch. Consult reference data for choosing a thyristor with small restriction "circuit commutated turn-off time". I use thyristors with a turn-off time 0,07ms or quickly. It's quiet a good parameter circuit commutated turn-off time for a high-powered thyristor. A typical turn off time of 0,07ms is specified for standard gate thyristors and 0,1ms for sensitive gate thyristors. Thyristors possessing a turn-off time from 0,1ms and more are not applicable for the scheme V-switch.

 So, the main thyristor has closed in time and the additional one is opened and a small extra capacitor discharges rapidly. The abruptly stopped current in the coil causes a reverse charge of an extra capacitor with a negative charge up to '1000 volts and even '1200 volts. The negative charge can be even more, but it is slightly hindered from the acting of protect bypass diode, which is connected up parallel to the coil. A resistor 15R 2W is attached to the diode consecutively. Diode prevents the work of the V-switch, but the output of negative charge would be too high without it. Resistor 15R ' is a compromise. In this case the off-state breakdown voltage of both thyristors should certainly exceed 1200V. '
Shooting  Now in the work of the V-switch comes the most dramatic point: the capacitor, that is intended for a positive charge of 800 volts, has a negative charge of -1200 volts. If nothing is done you will become a lucky eye witness of the electrolytic capacitor's explosion. I haven't seen such an explosion, but they say it is impressive.

 Capacitor doesn't explode for two reasons: first, it starts discharging very quickly at once through the resistor 300R 1W. Second, till the moment of the critical impulse, the capacitor has been charged over a long period of time up to +800 volts, and the electrolytic dielectric surface on its facing on foil areas acquires sufficient firmness. Then DC/DC converter charges both capacitors again up to +800 volts and the V-switch is ready for the next shot.

 Effectiveness of such current control is shown on the picture ' a projectile comes throughout the bottom of the tin by the turned-on V-switch, and stays outside by the turned-off V-switch, though it makes a hollow with a small aperture.

(C) Evgenij Vasiljev, June 2003.

--- Край на цитат ---

Ето и нещо по темата. Един приятел е голям фен на тези щуротии. Аз лично не бих вложил много време и средства в такова нещо. Основното е, че има бобина, зареден кондензатор + не метална цев /стъклена/.
В сайта има и схеми за по-добър вариант. Където бобините са 3, използва се двойка фото диод и фото транзистор и така се активира следващото ускорително звено.

Според мен, в тази тема е и мястото на електрошоковите "пищаци", както и електромагнитните "оръдия" на Сергей Никитин.

Електрошоковите пистолети имат съвсем обикновено барутно (а може би пружинно - не съм сигурен) изстрелване на електродите. При тях поражението е върху нервната система от специално формирани импулси, предавани по кабели.
По-скоро тая тема е за "линеен магнитен мотор", защото точно това и представлява това "оръжие".
Отново обаче опираме до проблема за практическата невъзможност за прилагане в реална среда на такова нещо. Предполагам тук сме се събрали предимно по-възрастни хора, минали през казармата и носили и стреляли с оръжия. Знаете какво се изисква от едно оръжие - да е безотказно във всякакви метеорологични условия. Вие лично ще натиснете ли спусъка на нещо, дет бачка с 450 волта в условията на проливен дъжд, или след като сте киснали 2 часа в някаква кална локва? Колко ще падне капацитета на батериите след престой от 6 часа на -20 градуса? Как ще разглобите и почистите едно такова оръжие в полеви условия? Дали ще издържи на падане от 2 метра, като запази възможността да "стреля"? Колко изстрела в минута ще може да произведе? Колко ще тежат ш*баните акумулатори и къде по дяволите ще се зареждат в реална бойна обстановка? Колко изстрела ще може да произведе с едно презареждане?
Разбирате ли ... идеята е едно, но практическото й приложение понякога я обезсмисля.

струва ми се, че не си схванал много добре за какво иде реч. Наистина нещата са много сериозни, в Тубата от време на време се появяват клипове с демонстрации на такива играчки
"Те наистина изглеждат като детски играчки и нито един полицай няма да се усъмни в това"
Можете спокойно да ги носите и размахвате във всеки град. Стоманеният куршум на тези играчки обаче достига скорост от 120 метра в секунда, достатъчна да убие човек от приемливо разстояние. При това напълно безшумно.  Затова всичко се филтрира, и с право.


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