Айде, напъплиха ме троловете, дето не могат друго освен да тракат по клавиатурата

Единия ми приказва за Сатурн и вампири, другият за хвърчащи леки коли с карета... Вие или сте тотално безумни, или се правите на такива /май второто/. Само и само да не пипне някой инструменти и да види сам - нали това ви е функцията, а мързела на потребителите - съюзник!
ХАРОЛД АСПДЕН, Юлиане! Не Сатурн.
Фернандо Рамос, Дедо поп - не хвърчащи карета!
The rotor weighs 800 grams. There is a resistance to spinning up the rotor (science/engineeringuses the term inertia) so that it requires energy to get therotor up to speed.
This energy is measured at 300 joules(one volt at one amp = one Watt. One Watt tor one second= one Joule/sec of power).When the machine is rotating at the speed of 3250 rpm,the inertial kinetic energy of the 800-gram rotor, plus thedrive motor rotor, needs no more than 15 Joules to continue rotating. Apparently, that energy is being used to overcome air friction, bearing fncllon. and any otherlosses that might be occurring.Now run the machme for, say, f1ve m1nutes Dr. Aspden found that
if the machine is startedup again within a minute, from rest, only 30 Joules is required to bring the machine back up to rated speed!
I invite you to ask
any high school science teacher or any.college professorof physics or engineering if this observation can be explained by current physical principles. I am quite surethat you will not find anyone who will agree that theseexperimental results are even possible.
Therefore,it is an anomaly, a deviation from the normal rule.Aspden states, "The experimental evidence
is that there is something spinning" [with the rotor, and he adds] "of an aethereal nature coextensive with the machine rotor."That something of an ethereal nature implies, strongly implies, that this experiment is a dramatic demonstration that there is an ether and that our scientific model of thereal world has been wrong for over 75 years! Unlesssomeone can come up with an explanation based
on thecurrent model of nature, then
this experiment is one of the simplest methods to demonstrate to students, of all ages,that there is an ether.
Разискваното има пряка връзка със ротовертера, както и всички генератори на СЕ, базирани на маховици. Това го казвам за неразбралите. Работещ ротовертер без маховик като междинно звено е трудно постижим - няма го конвертора на мех. импулс. Освен както казах ако има резонансни кондензатори както при Мелниченко.
Пишете си, в празни спорове не влизам повече. Който трябва, дано е разбрал за какво говоря