I will try to keep this clear and simple, because too many people whom claim to be educated keep messing this up.
The battery controller ONLY works with liquid acid type batteries. Paste electrolyte batteries are NOT compatible with this device. Lead-Acid batteries are the cheapest, and most powerful, and are compatible with this device.
The battery controller is not a charger. It does not charge the batteries.
The battery controller only extends the useful power cycle of the battery during the discharge cycle.
This extension of battery life is accomplished by means of spike discharging the batteries, while still maintaining a smooth DC common output with no ripple.
If the battery controller is connected to 8 batteries (parallel connection) or 8 banks of batteries (banks in series, connected in parallel to the controller) the sequence is as follows:
Time, Action:
0:00 Battery 1 connects to load, disconnects from pack
0:01 Battery 2 connects to load, disconnects from pack
0:02 Battery 3 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 1 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:03 Battery 4 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 2 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:04 Battery 5 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 3 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:05 Battery 6 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 4 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:06 Battery 7 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 5 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:07 Battery 8 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 6 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:08 Battery 1 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 7 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:09 Battery 2 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 8 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:10 Battery 3 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 1 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:11 Battery 4 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 2 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:12 Battery 5 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 3 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:13 Battery 6 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 4 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
0:14 Battery 7 connects to load, disconnects from pack, Battery 5 disconnects from load, reconnects to pack.
and the process repeats endlessly.
"Reconnects to pack" this means disconnected from the load, and is reconnected to the bank of batteries where chemical rest as well as equalization charge takes place.
So each battery connects to the load for 2 seconds time, and rests for 6 seconds time. The connection is preceded by and superseded by connections overlapping by 1 second to remove all chance of contact arcing in the SPDT Relays. This also gives enough buffer to keep the DC output smooth with no spike ripples.
Many people have attempted to speed up this process. They have pushed this design into the gigahertz frequency and found NO RESULTS. The results are only achieved in very slow action, giving ample time for electrochemical re-balancing and allows the batteries to last longer.
The "equalization" mode is the point in which the batteries that are NOT connected to the load, ARE connected together, and this allows the electrical current to assist in the chemical re-balance mode that takes place between each discharge spike.
Faster is not always better.
I have not figured out how to post diagrams yet. Will soon though.
If you attempt to build this circuit, the PIC16F84A micro-controller is a necessity. If you do build it, then I also suggest to keep it SLOW. If you speed it up, the rebalance timing that is required becomes too short and nullifies the effects.
I do accept pay-pal, yes. You would have to pay-pal to my e-mail address. My email is alaskastar2000 (At) hotmail (dOt) com
You will need to replace the (At) with an @ symbol and the (dOt) with a decimal, and I do this because of web-bots/ crawlers searching for emails to send junk.
I am aware of the secretive nature of inventors. My problem isn't secrecy, my problem is people who are so arrogant to think that they know everything, and then modify without ever trying to replicate, and then come back at me calling me a liar. If they would replicate EXACT materials, etc, then they would see the EXACT same results I am getting. This is how true science is accomplished. My goals are to help the people of earth, although many cannot help themselves, so it is to the groups such as this to perform the task.
Money and fame, etc....that's all dandy and nice, but it's nothing but selfish greed in the end if you don't help someone. I oppose greed at every level, and fiercely at that.
I would not mind being able to move out of my current location, and work on better technologies, but that requires funding which I do not have.
In the moment, I have to be patient, and keep working.
I just finished 89 straight hours of work with no sleep. I am now going to get some much needed rest. I also do not know how much it will cost to send one of these units to UK/ Bulgaria.