Намерих и прикачвам един стар файл с ценни неща, относно начините за преодоляване на гравитацията от т.нар. UFO. Засегнат е предимно техническият аспект, като има директни връзки и със начините за получаване на СЕ

Също така и ценни теоретични положения като следното:
Primary drive is when the control system is placed in synchronous frequency with universal energy flows but just slightly out of phase with them. Either lagging or leading which determines the direction with or against the flow. The speed of travel depending on the amount of phase shift that is applied.
Take the primary energy from electrons present in our atmosphere and channel the force which surrounds each electron into all types of simpler conveniences which cost nothing to operate utilizing so to speak a free energy. Do not destroy the electrons but take the power which surrounds each
one of them using the power and then the released electrons go on their way recharge and become useful again.
Nature works on the principal that 1 plus 1 equals 3. The positive and negative brought together in a relationship that results in the third which in itself has a percentage of the other two primal forces.
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